Chapter one

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This is not your average once upon a time story. This isn't about a curse or a girl chasing her prince charming or a mourning father and a deceased mother. This story doesn't even have a wicked step mother in it. This is about love and hate and grudges and forgiveness. Its not traditional, but they do have something in common. Once upon a time.

    I was not a happy 16 year old, but at that age, seriously, who is? I didn't necessarily hate my life, I just didn't necessarily value it. My life was not easy, but I had grown use to it.

    "Stop complaining John, and get over here to help me!" I realized that retched voice carrying out of the house screen door as my mother Jane. My father, John ,as always, yelled back as the argument continued.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Peter who always walked me home from school, which considering the fact he is my boyfriend it made it okay. Peter looked back at me sympathetically. Sympathetic or not that smile was full of love.

"You don't have to walk me home from school everyday, you live like ten minutes away, I can walk by myself for ten minutes." I said it softly like a suggestion but there was no doubt that Peter could hear the firmness in my tone.

"Yeah,, maybe, but I don't think you could walk yourself without getting in trouble." With that I made sure to give him a stare that could kill. Completely unaffected, He pulled me closer knowing what I was about to go home to.

" I am sorry you have to deal with this," He said, referring to my still screaming and yelling parents.

"It's okay, I am use to it." I said recalling that I had grown up hearing the yelling.

"Emma, no one should be use to that."She could tell he regretted saying that. My face fell as I stared off at nothing in particular. I tried to avoid doing that because it made Peter nervous, but sometimes I couldn't help to get lost in my past.

" Are you going to Mia's party?" He asked, trying to distract me.

"Yeah, I will be there late, but yeah, I'll be there."

Peter was obviously pleased to have my company,

" I am going early to help," said Peter," when will you be there?"

" Eleven thirty.. Maybe midnight."

"okay, I will see you then." Peter gave me a light kiss on the forehead and set off for his house.

By the time 11 o'clock came around I couldn't wait to get to the party but I had homework to do. I got dressed and left at 11:15 for the hour long drive to Mia's. Once I pulled up to Mia's the first thing I noticed was the fight in the front of Mia's yard. I got out of the car slowly until I realized it was Peter and Mark fighting each other. Each one taking turns punch and kicking and shoving. I was always quick to break up fights Peter got involved in. He never started them but he got caught in rage sometimes.

"Are you two crazy?" I shouted as I pushed myself between them, "What on earth do you think you are doing? I cant believe you two couldn't play nice for-" I stopped and leaned in to smell Peters breath. I was filled with anger.

Take deep breaths. Count. 1,2,3.

"I'm so sorry Emma I wasn't thinking." Peters eyes showed his fear. He knew I was about to loose it.

"Emma, please," 4,5,6, every one was waiting for my reaction.


7.. I am going to burst.

8, I can't hold it in.

9, calm down.

10, boom.

"Are you kidding me? You've been drinking! Peter you just stopped that!', full of uncontrollable anger I yelled at Peter. Rarely have I ever yelled at him or lost control like this. He backed away as I jabbed my finger at his chest.

"You lied, Peter! You said you stopped, you lire! Damn you! You can't keep doing this shit!" And so help me, I heard Mark chuckle under his breath.

"Is something funny, Mark?" I spun around to face him, noticing how everyone was watching me scream at these two boys.

Mark didn't answer which only fueled my anger.

"Of course it's funny! Right, Mark?" I spat his name out like poison,"Every thing is freaking fun and games with you! You knew he just got over his problem and you just couldn't help yourself!" Peter had a drinking problem years back, and it had taken him years to fix it.

Mark smiled at her in his wicked way, his face already bruised. "Oh, Emma dear, I was only settling his nerves. No need to be a little bitch about it."

It wasn't what he called me that ticked me off, maybe it was the sweet way he said it, or the was he turned his head slightly or it could have been the laughs from the crowd that made me do it, but I pulled my hand back and punched the ass hole in the nose.

Blood squirted everywhere and I remember his scream, but I still lost it and hit him again even though he was already down.

"Emma!" I heard Peter scream for me,"stop!".

I felt my body be lifted from on top of Mark, but I kept thrashing, trying to get loose.

"Let me go!" Peter had a hold of my both my hands had me sitting with my back against him on the curb.

"Emma, I need you to calm down, please."

"Let. Me. Go."


After I regained myself Peter took me too his house. I learned not to bother calling home when I stayed the night because my parents couldn't care less.

I sat on his bed in one of his own tee shirts that hung to my mid thigh. I didn't bother with pants any more.

Peter came out of the bathroom with first aid kit to bandage my hands. He didn't say anything and he wouldn't look at me which made me feel even worse. I took the ice pack off my cheek and sat it on my lap. He pulled up a wooded chair too the end of the bed where I sat. He sat and took my hand, beginning to bandage my hand.

"I'm sorry," I had to say something. I wasn't really sorry I beat Mark. Not at all. He had no right to mess with Peter.

"I know," his voice held no emotion to it.

I let him finish in silence and I did my best not to wince. While my hands came out of a fight busted and bloodied, Peter had no scratch on him. None at all.

"I'm going to go home, can I meet you at the barn at noon tomorrow?" I tried to not sound upset, otherwise he'd make me stay. He looked at me from the bathroom then looked away.

"Okay,"He sounded disappointed in me. I hated that.

As it turns out, Peter hadn't drank anything. Mark had spilled it on him during the fight,oops.And with that dull, 'okay', I left. I hated leaving like that ,but I didn't want to argue anymore like we had the whole way to his place.

POnce I was home I had no problem going to sleep which was surprising. My usual nightmare filled sleep was peaceful. However, the nightmare I woke up to was worse than ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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