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Ron you jerk!

I thought as I went between sobbing into my hands and murdering the grass. I was mad at Ron for ruining the Yule Ball for me when I was having such fun! He always ruins everything! I was pondering ways to murder him without anyone knowing when a tap on my shoulder snapped me out of it. I whipped around.

"Fred?" He grinned sheepishly at me.

"You okay?" He asked gingerly, I sighed.

"I'm fine." I said bitterly while plucking at my dress.

"No, you're not." He frowned. "What's bothering you?"

I huffed. "I'll tell you what. Ron Weasley, I was having such fun but he just had to ruin it for me!"

Fred looked concerned. "Take it from me, Ron's a git, it runs in the family." His voice was bitter.

"Percy?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

He snorted. "Pompous prat, you mean." He muttered.

"Say," I pondered. "Don't you have a date?" I asked him.

"I did, but last I saw of her, she was dancing with a girl from Beauxbatons." He spoke casually, making me wonder whether he actually was interested in her in the first place.

I turned around and looked him in the eye. "Say Fred." I said.


"Why are you wasting your precious time on me?" I asked him, curious to know why.

He looked mischievous. "I don't know, maybe I like spending time with you, maybe I don't want to leave."

I blushed. Snap out of it Hermione! My subconscious screamed at me. There's no way, a guy like Fred could like a bookworm like you. But even my subconscious couldn't ignore the butterflies in my stomach, scratch that, giant moths flapping frantically in my stomach.

"Why do you like spending time with me? What makes a bookworm like me so interesting?" I queried.

"Everything, her smile, her laugh, her brains, her." He edged closer. "Lips." He whispered in my ear, shivers went down my spine, my breath caught in my throat. He was so close that if I moved my head ever so slightly, our lips would touch.

"Oh yeah," I laughed shakily. "And what's to say I like spending time with you?" I couldn't look him in the eye, he was too close.

"Perhaps it's to do with this." His fingers trailed down my neck, I shivered, biting my lip. "Or this." His lips just ever so slightly brushed my neck, I stifled a moan. He was driving me crazy, and he knew it, I tried to muster my worst glare, but all I could manage was a long stare at him.

All of a sudden his lips met mine in a chaste kiss, and, before I knew it, he had bolted off towards the castle, leaving me stranded once more. I lay down in the meadow and stared at the stars, cursing two boys names.

Two boys names that ended in Weasley.

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