young love

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Coby and Nicole had been friends since they were little kids. They grew up together, went to the same school and lived in the same village. Their parents were friends, too. So, it was no surprise that when they reached their teens, they became a couple.

"So, when are you leaving?" Coby asked as he looked to the distance. He and Nicole spent the afternoon at the park and were now just sitting on a park bench watching the sun set.

"Next month..." Nicole quietly replied. She had been suffering from a rheumatic heart problem and her parents were taking her to the United States for treatment.

Coby didn't know what to think or do or say because he knew it would take some time for Nicole to come home...maybe never. Nicole, however, reassured him that she would call him often.

Nicole and her family left for the US a few days before Coby's 17th birthday. The young couple had dinner a few days before to celebrate.

On the day of his birthday, his bestfriend, Vince, went to his house. Vince noticed that Coby seemed disturbed and distant.

"Dude! It's your birthday! What's with the face?" VInce asked.

"Thanks....nothing...." Coby replied

"It's Nicole, right?"

Coby didn't answer. He just sighed.

A few days after she left, Coby received a message from Nicole. He called her on Skype immediately and she told him about where they were staying temporarily (with her Tito, Tita and cousins) and some of the activities that she was doing and was planning to do. She wanted to visit theme parks, she said. Coby listened intently and just smiled.

"Huuuy! I've been making kwento here kanina pa...and all you do there is smile...." she startles him

"Sorry...I miss you lang..."

They talk for over an hour until Nicole's dad calls her to prepare. They were going somewhere with the family.

"Okay, I have to go na...I'll talk to you soon..."

"Okay...I love you...."

"I love you...bye"

They set up a routine for their calls. They usually spoke to each other via Skype every weekend. They would message each other almost daily.

After about 1 month of tests and doctor's visits, Nicole was scheduled to have an open-heart surgery.

"....I'll be going to the hospital tomorrow...." she said

"....I'll be praying for you..." he replied.

It took a long while before they could have any communication with each other. During this time, Coby joined some friends in car racing. He thought that by being busy this way, he wouldn't have to think too much about Nicole's condition and their being far away from each other. However, he never told Nicole about this new hobby of his.

When things were better and Nicole was finally stronger and discharged from the hospital, she messaged Coby. He didn't reply. She thought that maybe he had gone out of town or something and was going to tell her about it when he returned.

Unfortunately, Coby's car didn't reach the finish line of his race. His tires skidded on the track and he hit the barrier which caused his car to turn turtle. The impact landed him in the hospital with a very slim chance of survival.

By midnight, Coby passed away. It was Nicole's 17th birthday.

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