Chapter 1

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It was just another day like so many others (or so she thought) I got up getting ready for the day putting on my favorite outfit, jeans and a t-shirt with a baggy jacket over the top. All I could do was wish that I could escape from the world I live in, sadly it seems like my wishes never seem to work. After putting my hair into a braid I head down to breakfast to hear my parents fighting for what seems like the millionth time. "good morning" I said but of course no response. I grab a piece of toast and head out the door towards school.

There's one thing in this world that makes it tolerable my best friend Molly, she is a huge fangirl just like me every morning we meet out the front of the school and discuss our favorite anime's, there is one thing we agree the most on and it's that Black Butler is the best. Molly is in love with Ciel and believes no one can ever replace him in her mind. I however have a different view... As Molly and I continue our discussion it's time to go to homeroom sadly today we don't have any classes together.

As I'm heading towards the door to my homeroom I swear I see a small black cat, I blink a few times but don't see it again my mind must be playing tricks on me again. As I'm reaching for the handle to the door I hear a small meow and see the small cat turn down a small corridor, I decide to go follow it to find to try and find out who it belongs to. As I follow down the small corridor I notice things don't look right that I had never seen this part of the school before I think. The cat stops out the front of a door that doesn't look like any of the others in the school. I feel like I shouldn't open it but my curiosity gets the better of me so I open it and go through it.

Hey so I hope people will like this story I would love to hear comments people have about this story at any time. I know this is a short chapter sorry, I will get more into the story in the next chapter. I'm hoping that I will be able to post at least one chapter each week however I that may not always happen sorry. If anyone has any suggestions for the story at any stage, I would love to hear them. Thank you.

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