2 Months Free

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I had it all 2 months ago.
I was fine.
I was free, but then the demons came back again.
They're invading my mind.
I had two months without headaches and anxiety.
Then they all came back like a wrecking ball.
I thought I was done with all this drama.
Apparently,  they came back to bite me in the ass.
Why is my mind fucked with anxiety and shit?
I know I'm not the normal but show me what its like because being 2 months free was great.
Show me what that's like.
I want it back.
I like being pretty odd, but this is worse than odd.
I don't want my demons, so why did you ship them back to me?
I told you to burn them.
Why are they back?
This was my goal, but I broke it like everything else.
Why can't I be free?
I was for 2 months and then it came back.
Is this my curse?
Can someone break it?
I need someone's help.
I just want to break these shackles forever and walk on the nice pretty land.

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