I Could've Kept Trying

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I see now, so clearly, the disappointment

I can't tell you how much I've, choked on mile less lies

Keep telling yourself, you did the best you could

And for eternity you'll find, you've lived a worthless life

Keep dreaming little angels fill your mind with picture art

Ignorance is confidence if you're shallow in the heart

Don't let these hard times kill you, freedom is the key

Yet is it truly freedom if you're suffocating, breath

But you can't, and you'll never even know

It's the lies that you're telling that make you seem so slow

While your age is a passage to the sins of earthly sharks

In your mind you're still a child giving up before it starts

I see  now, so clearly, the disappointment

I can't tell you how much I've, choked on mile less lies 

Keep telling yourself, you did the best you could

And for eternity you'll find, you've lived a worthless life

I Could've Kept TryingWhere stories live. Discover now