Chapter one

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           The rain fell peacefully on the silent city of Polis in the background of uproar from another gathering in the commander's throne room filled with members of the coalition. The booming voice of a young brown haired heda filled the room, as I the member of the table listened carefully. She was speaking of how one of the clans had gone against one of the commanders agreements and she would not warn them again, but all my blue eyes could focus on was the movements of her lips as my plump pink lips parted to take in a deep breath of the fresh air. My fingers gliding against the smooth edges of my seat while the meeting came to an end, sentencing all the coalition members to return to their clans peacefully. Heda adjusting calmly in her throne to a stand as the man known as Titus claimed her side as they eased into a smooth conversation. Coming to a stand as i pulled my smooth coat on effortlessly, I was known as Wanheda the mountain slayer that had served upon the commanders army by many, but to few i was known by the name of Clarke. It was not something i was fond of, this title of Wanheda, but i guess as being the top fighter in the grounder army was something i had to be proud of. The pouring of the rain had gradually increased over the time of the meeting while i had made my way to the doors of the throne room preparing myself for the journey back to my room in the small castle, i could feel eyes burning into me. My body turning slowly as my eyebrows crinkled in deep confusion. My eyes must have been deceiving me, for my blue eyes landed on a hooded green, almost as if she was staring into my soul while as I scanned up and down her stern face. Almost as if time itself froze, but quickly snapping myself out of my daze with a "stop staring stupid!" ran through my head as i dazedly stumbled out of my trance and out of the commander's quarters.

            Polis had finally surfaced to a calm as all of the crews had returned back to their village, my shoes planting firmly on the light colored marble of the crumbled floors as i walked down the empty hallways of the tower that awkwardly resembled a candle, though i had never uttered a word of this suspicion. My hands behind my back as i admired the sunset falling along the ruins of the polis buildings, the corruption of conversations falling below me. The blue of my eyes shining as the tint of orange fell upon me as the sun hid behind the peak of the towering trees, a deep breath exhaling from my nostrils as my nerves fell to a rest. While my feet were carrying me away from the dazzling view placed in front of me. The joy of children's laughter filling my ears as i saw the mighty commander training vigorously with the nightbloods. Sweat beads formed along her forehead as my eyes took in her marvelous appearance while I eyed her up and down slowly. My cheeks instantly flushing as i could feel the burning sensation of eyes of a confused Titus staring up at me, our eyes aligning as if he knew my impure thoughts. It was against the coalition rules to have romantic feelings for another table member, but ever since the day i had fought alongside the mighty heda i just couldn't stop picturing her in her commanders armor, sweat dripping down the perfect contour of her cheekbones ruining the perfect warpaint, i was breaking the rules sure; but i could care less. In my dreams the commander bowed before me, in many ways.

            The evening was nothing but typical, i had a friend visit me by the name of raven. We had sat and bullshitted for what had seemed like hours but in actuality was forty-five minutes in exact. Once raven had left i could not help but wonder what the ruthless heda was staring at me for, and why? Those green eyes burning into mine, those beautiful pink lips pressed together as Titus whispered words into her ear, but i could care less about what he was saying all i could think about was what her pink luscious lips must feel like, or what she must look like underneath that commander armor. My mind just could not stop running with the burning image of my lips planted firmly on hers as i gazed peacefully on the resting city of Polis. The rain now long gone as dim candles flared in the warmth of my quarters while I slipped my hair almost effortlessly from the tangled braids i knew i would have to rearrange on the light of daybreak. A sigh slipping from my lips as my back landed softly on the fur of my bed sheets, the bare skin of my feet gliding softly against it soothing me into a peaceful rest. My tanned eyelids succumbing to the delightfulness of slumber as the pictures of the mighty heda played in my dreams deliciously, a deviant smile forming on my lips being the last thing i remember before i gave into the joyous desire of the mighty heda completing all my desires in my dreams. The city of Polis coming to a calming silence as the night faded away from me.

My dreams were strikingly vivid, the pouring rain consumed me and pulled me into my wicked memories. The village with my memories burned with smoke that was filling the air while my blue eyes were stained with the burning sensation of tears. My home had been set aflame by the notorious mountain men. The mighty Wanheda once so small and fragile; i was only seven years old when i watched my whole village burn in front of me and the haunting darkness surrounded me with the echoes of laughter from the hateful reign of the mountain men. My once clean face cleansed with the dirt of the Earth, and my fragile fingers gripping the rags of my clothing as i promised vengeance for my family. I had been taken in by the grounders to be homed and trained vigorously, as over the years i grew as a warrior and trained ruthlessly until the day struck upon me to join alongside the commander in battle as her lead general. Warpaint slathered on the pale of my skin as i gripped the sword in the tight of my smooth leather gloves, i had been apart of a covert group on a task to move into the mount weather building and evacuate as many of our people as possible. But to our horrifying surprise our people had been slaughtered in the most inhumane way, it was almost impossible to be able to make them out as they were too mutilated to tell their faces. My blood boiled as i slashed my way through each of the guards, and my eyesight blurred by the blood of my enemies. It was as if I saw red while their blood dripped from the fabric of my combat armor as we had made our way to the self destruct room. My sword by then was dried with the blood of my enemies, sadly we had lost two of our men on the path but had made it with two left. The loud shot of a gun echoing through the concrete room littered with television monitors and keyboards struck me out of my daze, my men were exiled within seconds as two men of mount weather named Cage and Dante, a young man and elderly looking one stepped into the room. My eyes burning with blood boiling anger as my eyebrows furrowed together taking in the elderly man in front of me; the man who had shot my family and village. I have never felt more rage and anger fill my body before in that moment, "you will never win, you know that right?" Cage uttered out wickedly in a cocky laugh. I refused to give them the pleasure of hearing my voice shake with not fear, but anger. "Cat got your tongue?" he laughed out, but the phrase meant nothing to me. They were alone, but that still did not make them easy targets. Cage was the one I had to worry about if anything, so as he muttered out his cocky half-witted responses i made sure to get as close to the switch as i could. For I knew the amount of risk that weighed, the casualties that would be brought just to stop the brewing war, and in the time I wished there was another way to stop the then destructive and painful war, but i just could not risk my peoples lives any longer. The sudden sound of a gun cocking shaking me out of my guilty conscience, "What do you think you are doing?" he shouted out with the gun dead aimed onto my surprisingly unfearful face. But before i could register the bullet about to enter into the fracture of my skull awaiting my endless doom, the unwise Cages head was already on the ground, the mighty heda standing in front of me. Our eyes locked on, blue meets green; but i am sure she had no clue who i was. My rage blinding me as i slid the sharp tip of my stainless steel sword into Dante's chest, immediately leaving him lifeless. Revenge for my village fueling me as i pulled the sword out in a swift movement, blood dripping down my blade, as my eyes lifted showing nothing more but hatred that flowed throughout my veins while my eyes locked with the commanders. "Finish it general" she rasped out to me, immediately sending chills down my spine as i gave her an affirmative nod. My lengthy fingers gripping the cold metal of the switch, as I filled my nostrils with a deep breath sending the message for my lengthy finger to push destructive switch forward. The last thing filling my ears being the ringing of an alarm as i ran out the unknown entrance into the mountain with the commander, shortly after a immediate explosion filling my ears along with the horrifying screams of the civilians living amongst the mountain haunted me. The mighty wanheda; mountain slayer was born on that day of death. My body immediately twitching up as i awoke in a cold sweat from my haunted memories, my eyes immediately snapping to the door as the ringing of three affirmative knocks filled my ears. "Who the hell can be knocking at my door at this hour?" I thought confusingly to myself.

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