Chapter 1

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A gust of wind blows through the small town. A flock of crows fly out of an overgrown field. Silhouetted in the rising sun is a man standing on the roof of a building. He looks down over the city. He pulled his hood over his head and broke out in a run. He jumped from building to build. In earlier times he would have avoided this in fear of attracting too much attention, but now it doesn't matter. He stopped at the edge of a small apartment complex. Looking down he saw a lone figure shambling through the street. He jumped down and landed on a balcony and then another. The figure stopped in his tracks and stood there moaning. The man jumped off the current balcony and landed, rolling up behind the figure. The figure smelled of decay and was missing half an arm, and it started to slowly turn towards the man. The figure was fully turned around and his pale cataract covered eyes showed no humanity. He let out a loud growl and reached out for the man with his one arm. The man showed no emotion, his right ring finger flicked and in one swift motion he smacked the figure's forehead. The figure grew silent and limp. The blade that was hidden retracted back into the man's sleeve. In the distance gunshots can be heard. The man glanced to the direction the sound originated from and ran to the apartment building He ran up the wall and grabbed the second floor balcony, then jumping from terrace to terrace going up a floor each time. Upon reaching the roof he could see what was happening. In the field that surrounded the small town there were two groups heading for each other, one with the pinpoints of lights, gunshots, and the other moving slowly for the other. The war between the living and the undead had reached the small town.


My name is Justin Miles. I am twenty years old, live in a small town in Georgia. Is there anything else important? Oh yeah, I'm an assassin. I was raised in "the Farm", a secluded town where members of an ancient society train in the ways of an assassin and live by "the Creed", stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent, hide in plain sight, and never compromise the brotherhood. Not that it matters anymore, most flesh isn't innocent, it usually has evil intent or is undead. Oh yeah, It's the zombie apocalypse. No one ever sees me anymore. Anyways enough about me, you probably want to know what happened to me when this all started. I was fresh out of "the farm." I was assigned to Georgia, to take out some crime lord making illegal money and bribing the local government to turn a blind eye. You know, it usually happens. Anyways, he was supposedly placed in this small town. I arrived a few days before it happened. I needed to collect info for those days to decide when to strike, but I never paid attention to newspapers or new broadcasts. On the day that the infection arrived, I was ready to strike. I was closing in one my target. Right before I could assassinate him, one of the infected crashed through the window. In the madhouse I was able to scale the walls and hide in the rafters. After everyone fled or was attacked and killed I looked around, but before I could descend to the floor, my target, whom had been the first to be attacked and killed, stood up. He was moaning, and then what was left his entourage got up as well. I had seen these men die right before my eyes, and now they were up moaning and shambling around. I would have seen if they were alright, but I still thought I had to follow the creed. So I jumped from rafter to rafter and jumped out through the window over the warehouse sliding doors. When I reached the roof of the warehouse I could see that this was no accident. Just in the street in front of the ware house a line of police cruisers were parked blocking the road with police firing at infected. They seemed to take multiple hits and still keep going. At least, until they were hit in the head, then they just collapse dead, for the second time. That was about half a year ago. Now the town is empty except for the occasional scavenger group or small herd. I usually hide inside the former assassin's bureau, long since evacuated. But, now it's going to be hard to hide with the war advancing toward the town. I think it's about time to move out of here or else the whole place will be torched with me still in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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