darkness itself

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The Darkness itself is the most common fear that we have, for it is true in a physical and metiphorical sense in how we actually fear what's in the dark over the subject itself.

The Darkness is an ever growing and unbeatable figure, it pounds away at us all without our knowing and it strikes us down one by one into madness. The dark is simply terrifying to all regardless of our overcoming of the physical form. It swallows us whole and it seldom spits us back out... the beast itself hunts and stalks us at every corner before simply tearing us limb from limb in its endless onslaught against our minds. Many find themselves staring into the abyss of this creature only to find that they are already overcome by its being, the shadow has already grasped them and has already begun it's delve though their bodies without mercy. The blackness itself is the most terrifying thing in the universe and generally takes us with a grain of salt on its genocidal campaign through humanity.

This is a mere introduction, the real thoughts are further inside... and so is the darkness...

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