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The desire for unconditional love burns through us all as we fulfill ourselves with unrequited relationships that begat the ashes of lust, affairs, and dissonance. Forsaking our soul's yearnings for the ease of contemptible complacency, we give in to the slightest of amities, rather than fight and contend for the verticies of amorè. Our struggles to avoid the icy tentacles of acceptance lead us to the temptations of our primitive being. We tend to defer to the societal demand that we have a relationship, rather than steadfastly seeking the "one"  that each of the parties deserves and reveres. Our constant state of order has actually created the chaos that we wished to avoid. Our soulmates provide a guidance not found in our socially acceptable relationship. The care we take in developing, consumating, and maintaining a kindred spirit relationship will lead our souls to a utopian existence. Most of us have some type of feelings to this effect, however few heed the calling of our deepest feelings and subtle carresses that we desire within our hearts. The likelihood of us finding our perfect match is as unlikely as lightening strking your house at this exact moment. Yet, there are those among us, through luck, preserverance, or otherwise, that find that special someone to share their intimacies of life. Shall our search for true love triumph or will it be for naught?

The bulletin board post had attracted Amayha immediately. She was entering her 5th year of a four year artistic degree. It was not for lack of intelligence or talent; she felt it best to try a multitude of academic subjects to find her perfect fit. Amayha was confident and sure that she had made the right choice for her career. She had been winning artistic contests, awards, and accolades from all parts of the country, ever since she was in diapers. Amayha had other talents; she had aptitude in analytical subjects, such as math, science, even several types of engineering. Unlike most of the population, Amayha rose above any left brain right brain debate; her entire brain was on full-fledged alert, every moment of every day.  It was not her intellect, creativeness or desire that caused her to notice the message, the posting had touched her inner being as gentle as a butterfly’s flit against your eyelash and as explosive as a volcanic eruption. The words themselves were not enlightening, nor were they anything other than ordinary. The message, in its’ simplicity, was what moved her. Within most students, getting ready to take on the world, can be a daunting and unenviable task. Within Amayha, the turmoil was internal, she knew that mastery of her chosen field would be a given. All she had to do was choose and she would be successful. And that is why her emotions were blazing, with this posting, there was no reason to choose, no reason to decide, no reason to question, there was only reason.

Nikkolai had already found his reason for living. He attended culinary school while he was still in high school. His high school friends razzed him, gave him grief for taking college-level home economic courses, that is, until he started bringing his goodies to the locker room, right before football practice. The football coach ended up putting the kibosh on Nikkolai’s confectionary spread in the locker room. Word would spread quickly through campus whenever Nikkolai had culinary school classes and football practice the same day; the student body would be like one huge mass of inter-connected organism. There was no room to move, let alone walk through the locker room. Although Nikkolai’s main educational interest revolved around baking, he was anything but soft and puffy on the football field. Nikkolai was a beast of a run stopper as the middle linebacker. He had quick feet and the speed to play at the next level; however there was no college that offered culinary degrees that offered football or vice versa.  Luckily for Nikkolai, he had accepted the offer to join the culinary school his sophomore year. As his graduation date approached, the culinary school changed its student body acceptance policy. They required a GPA that Nikkolai would never have achieved. It was not that Nikkolai was unintelligent or lazy; he was a tad above average student. His talent was noticed by his career guidance counselor early on and the counselor was the first to suggest the local culinary school. It was upon Nikkolai’s last visit to the guidance counselor’s office, to thank him for his guidance, that Nikkolai saw a unique, simplistic posting on the bulletin board. It suited him to a tee.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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