School of Death

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It all started september 22, 2011 when i met my 5th grade teachers.First period mr.Moses,second period Mrs.Faciani,third period Mrs.farrar,and fourth period Mrs.thompson.My mom and me were going to meet them and i already knew i would hate them.I met a really cute boy name Keagen Boston.About a 5 months after school he asked me to be his girlfriend.I said yes . :D.I kind of started to like school.When Thanksgiving came all of the teachers were gone and we had substutes."YES".After school i went to Aubries House.(My best friend)The day after that there was a murder on 8th street.My second best friend caleb lived on that street.I had no idea if it was him or not.I was getting worried so i went on Aubries computer and look up Caleb Ronca Murdered on 8th Street.But Nothing showed up. I tried it again.It worked.It showed pictures of guts and blood all over his bathroom.I screemed and ran into aubries bedroom.Aubrie walked in asking me what went wrong. I screemed in the computer, the computer look see for yourself!She came back cring because she loves caleb.SO TRUE.I went home that day because it was school the next day at school we sang the national anthem.In the rememberence of Caleb Ronca.The school day there were still no sighn of the teachers,BUT ONE Mr.Moses.That day my mom said i could go to aubries for the whole week.About 2 days later my mom took me to the skateing ring with keagen.About four hours later i came back.There was another murder.The murder was on 10th street.As i knocked on aubries door she opened it crying her eyes out.Her brother Ryan had been murdered stabbed 573 times in the shoulder, back ,and glut.I was very sad.

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