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Falling from the hill, she crashes into the tree (write what happens next)

Suddenly, under her weight the tree gave way under her, leaving her to fall. She fell endlessly, for what felt like an eternity. Almost as suddenly as the tree giving way under her, something caught her. Something firm and fluffy, her breath was taken away and her hands gripped almost instantly.
She opened her eyes to see a giant bird, with wings of golden fire.

The golden bird, sored through the air, left, right, loopedey looped and straight across the horizon. The girl clung tightly as the legendary bird finally came to a stop and stood up right on the ground, and she slid off. "You saved my life" she said, ruffling her hands through the birds feathers on its head.

The birds deep blue eye followed the movement of her hand. It started to sink to the ground, her hand still running through its feathers, its eyes started to close like it was being hypnotised by her fingers. She was surprised, how could she, this tiny, tiny girl, hypnotise this giant, beautiful golden Hawk. It made no sense. When her fingers stopped the birds eyes opened and seemed to stare, deep into her soul. "Thank you, thank you so much."

The bird gave out a graceful squark, almost ear bursting, but she didn't care, she owed her life to this beast. All of a sudden, out in the distance, there was deep long growl. The bird squawked once more, its eyes widened and it scurried off, almost looking scared. "Wait! Don't leave me here, I have no idea where I am" she exclaimed. Her eyes teared up, she too was scared. And the deep growl grew nearer. "What was that?" she asked herself.

Feeling scared and alone in the fading light casting wide shadows. The forest to one side and the cliff face to the other. The ground was trampled down flat, the grass bleached near brown. Spinning around she tried to search for her golden angel, hoping it was still in the area, hoping it would come back and save her.
The growling continued but was interrupted by a loud scream.
The sound was close, somewhere in the forest. She tried to understand the scream, wracking her brain for the source.
She gasped suddenly and began running into the forest, not caring about the branches and rocks that scraped against her legs and face. It was the golden bird, it was in trouble. It had saved her life and now it was her turn to save it.
Breaking through the trees she came to a stop. The bird lay on the ground, blood staining its golden feathers and the dirt. A beast stood above it, three demonic heads and sharp teeth, a club like tail slashed behind it.
Fire burned in her eyes and she looked around for something, anything to distract the beast. Small and large stones along with branches.

The mangled, golden bird lay motionless, hardly breathing. "What have you done!" She screamed while throwing small stones at the middle head. The monster roars, and she cupped her now ringing ears. It took large steps towards her, and started getting faster and faster, and she ran, ran for her life, faster than she had ever ran before.
The forest of trees breaks apart as the monster speeds through after her. The girl occasionally throwing stones as she ran. Suddenly she gets an idea. She stopped, ran towards it. The heads snap at her as she is near, but only one tooth scratches her arm. She skids under it, and now she was on the rear end of it. She fearlessly climbed up its spiny back with a sharp stick, and sits on its middle neck as it tried to shake her off. With the stick in hand, she aimed the sharp end of it outward.

The monster tried its best to shake her off, one head reaching around to tear the clothe from her back. She plunged the stick down, hard as she could. Blood splattered across her face and the monster roared in pain. She pushed the stick in deeper, severing the middle heads spine.
She thought the other heads would still function, but they collapsed to the ground, along with its body.
Adrenaline pumped through her body, making her hands shake and her mind to go fuzzy. So fuzzy that she almost forgot about the golden bird.
"Oh no..." She whispered to herself before sprinting back into the forest, jumping and ducking to avoid the branches that would of slashed at her face and legs until she broke into the clearing.

There it was, right in front of her, the bird still motionless. She raced over to it, lay her head on its chest, and she could faintly here its frail heart slightly pounding.
The girl gasps at the pain in her arm from what must have been a poisonous fang. The wound now infected, and falls backwards in pain, and screams.
All of a sudden, the bird shoves itself forward, over the body of the girl, a single tear, drops for its eye, onto the wound. After a few seconds, nothing had happened, but all of a sudden it glowed, and the infection cleared.
"Thank you.... So much" she said, sitting up, and crying over the now dead carcass of her friend.
All of a sudden, a golden ball of light, floats out between the birds beaks, and comes towards her, transforms into a beautiful baby golden bird, a reincarnation of its original owner. It fell into her lap, and silently squawked. The girl happily cried, and she hugged it tight. She looks back over to the carcass, and starts seeing it fade away, and turn to ash. All of a sudden, a new ball of light, also golden, floats out. This time, it goes inside her chest, and the girl is lifted from the ground.
Plucking from her back, grow beautiful golden wings, like the birds, and they unfold to reveal the sparkling feathers. She collapses back to the ground, and looked at her new body part. "How is this possible" she asked the carcass, but there was nothing there, only the baby bird in her lap, and herself.

The End?  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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