Life Goes On: Part One - Return of the Victors

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*please note that the details in this story might be a little fuzzy OR WRONG because I have not been able to re-read any of the Hunger Games books in a while*

Life Goes On: (Part 1) The Return Of The Victors.

My name is Katniss Everdeen. I'm 18 years old. I'm the victor of the 74th Hunger Games. I killed Snow and Coin, along with hundreds of other people that were involved in the rebellion.

Or that's what they say. You can't trust anyone these days.

My boyfriend is Peeta Mellark.

My best friend moved to District 2 and is now probably married with two kids. Honestly it wouldn't shock me. My mother just recently past away from a disease she contracted from a patient in District 2. My little sister Prim is dead. She died from a bomb in the Capitol last year. I live in District 12 with Peeta, though we have our own houses, but when the nightmares get to be too much we share a bed and fight through the horror together. Peeta still has flashbacks; some he can handle but some he's forced to lock himself in a room to avoid hurting me or even Haymitch, who lives next to us in Victor's Village.

Why am I here? Why am I on the train, on the way back to the ever shinning Capitol? I'll tell you why. Because I'm representing District 12 in our first 'annual' District meeting.

Okay, here's how it goes. I will warn you that it's quite confusing. The letter I received read:

Dear Mrs. Kantiss Everdeen,

You have been selected to participate in our first annual District meeting.

You will represent your District in a vote. All 13 Districts have been called to the Capitol on April 20th to discuss the ever present Hunger Games.

Make sure you are ready by 12:30 pm on April 20th and go to your local train station at 12:50pm sharp. This invitation cannot be declined. You will receive more information when you reach the Capitol.

We are looking forward to seeing you again, Mrs. Everdeen.

All the best,

President Paylor.

'You will receive more information when you reach the Capitol' 'this invitation cannot be declined.'

Of course when Peeta saw this he was livid, but instead of sitting around and sulking he took action and called up the Capitol himself. Apparently the operator who answered informed him that President Paylor has received plenty of calls from each District about the subject. Peeta said he'd be joining me and the operator said she'd pass on the message.

And now I'm watching the trees zip by in a green and brown blur. Goodbye trees, goodbye Victors's Village, goodbye Greasy Sae, goodbye Haymitch, goodbye-

"Katniss?" Says a soft voice.

I turn my head from the window and lock eyes with a pair of blue. Instead of smiling like I usually do when I see Peeta, my lips stay in a straight line.

Peeta doesn't look any different than when he was sixteen and we were suffering in the Hunger Games. His hair is still long and curly - I'll need to give it another trim in a week or so - his eyes are still blue, he still has his baker burns because what ever they used to cover them up back then has warn off.

He slowly and hesitantly walks from the door over to my window seat and takes a seat next to me on the bench.

I turn my head back and stare longingly out the window; wishing I was anywhere except here... Back on the train that's headed to the Capitol.

I feel a weight on my shoulder as Peeta scoots slightly closer. His warm lips press against the side of my temple. He lingers there for a second before drawing away, but keep his arm around my shoulder.

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