Part 1

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I'm cold!
I can't sleep at all!
I keep on running upstairs to the bathroom because I'm bleeding now and then.
I only have one blanket and one pillow and a teddy bear with me.
I'm wearing nothing,
Just a towel around my body.
This is my life, my horrible life.
Filled with sleepless nights and days of slavery.
This family treats me like trash.
Since my own real parents died I'm bad luck to them.
I mean nothing that's why I'm sleeping in second dirty, smelly garage.
Rats, Lizards are everywhere.
So I can't sleep so whats the use of sitting here.

I decide to do what i always love doing...leaving the house silently
It's the best thing for me. I could finally get out of this depressing house filled with hatred.
I slowly exit by the back door downstairs, jump the gate and I'm free.

It's dark outside, no sound at all. Just me and my footsteps wondering around.
I love the park, even though it's dark I still love it. I walk there sit under a tree and listen to the silence of the night. I look up at the stars and wish I was the stars. Just beautiful as they are,  they remind me of the beautiful life i used to have when I lived with my real parents.
But now a heaven has changed into hell.

I stare and sit for quite a long time until I hear somebody yelling walking towards me 'Bobby! Bobby! Bobby!'.
I walk toward him and give him a little bit of a fright 'what are you doing this late? And why are you covered in a towel. Don't you feel cold?' He asked 'No, who are you looking for?' I asked ' My dog but nevermind that. I'm concered about you. You need to get home' he said 'I call home my home but it's not actaully home' I said to him 'Do you need my jacket?' He asked while we both sat down 'yes' I said and covered it around me.

'You have so many scars on your arm. What happened to your neck? It looks like it has been bleeding' he asked..

I wonder why he cares so much, it's not like he knows me.
He has no idea what a failure I am but he still questions, so i just decide not to answer him.

'Look at those stars' I said instead 'Aren't they just beautiful'
'Yea, you're right. Its getting late. You could come spend a night at my home. Don't worry my parents aren't here so i'll sleep on the couch and you'll have a room.' He said, I was shocked!!

Who in the world would say that to a complete stranger..

But he was kinda cute and generous so i couldn't say no.

So we walked up hill to his house and finally got there..
I felt like I was in a palace.
He lived in a beautiful house.
I loved it.
I quickly ran up choosing a room forgetting I only had one night here.
It felt so amazing..

I opened the door of one of the bedrooms and fell on the bed.
Feeling so warm and comfortable.
'Enjoying the place?' He walked in with some hot chocolate in his hands 'yes of course' I said as I drank it sip by sip.

'I've never drank this in ages. I've never been this happy before in ages.'
I said sipping and sipping.
Until I noticed that he was staring at me so strangely.
'When I look deep in your eyes all I can see is pain and hurt. I can see the tears that have dried, I can see dissapointment and sadness. You're eyes can tell a whole long story. You're eyes give out so many messages yet they're so beautiful, amazing.'
The moment I heard those words I started crying. No one in years has ever said those words to me. They meant a lot to me. I cried and cried as I cuddled in bed with him.
And there I was asleep.

All That I need.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن