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Gary, how are you feeling right now?

Gary: embarrassed by Stan's attempt to make me into a birthday present

Stan: what? Did you like your present Craig?

Craig: yes

Gary: *blushes*

CRAIG! This is a... Idk. But you should ask out Tweek! It can't be that scary right? I'm sure (probably not though) Stan and your other friends will help you! Just maybe try? Maybe ask him on a date?

Craig: I guess you didn't know that Sttan and I aren't friends.. He's only here because Gary wanted to come on with him

Stan: thanks Craig

Craig: you're very welcome. Also, I've just come out to Tweek, he was literally silent. Just walked away. I think asking him out would destroy our friendship forever, I've just got to leave it for a while, he's straight. *shrugs*

Gary: *hugs Craig* I know how you feel with the whole unrequited love thing, believe me

Craig: *leans into Gary silently*

Gary: also, Tweek will accept you. He's probably just confused since you've fake dated, he'll come around

Ask Craig and his 'Non-Friends' Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now