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The first day she saw him, she felt in love. Love at first sight was never hrr style, she hated it! She told herself, if she ever felt in love with someone at first sight it's not love! It's just admiration! But when they saw each other, knowing that the other exists, they felt something... they never felt before. »Is this love? Does love feel like this? It could never be, we don't even know each other!! This is stupid!«

The both are going to the same school, same class level but different class. Every morning, they wake up not wanting to go to this school anymore. He, the perfect guy, tall, handsome, cute and friendly going into a class, where relationships are not tolerated. But if you do, you gonna get bullied. She, the girl next door, sad and sometimes quit or loud. In a class, where she got bullied from the first day in school. What is going to happen, if they fall in love? Mark, not knowing if it's real love or just admiration. Naomi, in love with him but not wanting to since she doesn't want him to get bullied too.

»Naomi, you have to wake! NOW! You're going to be late for school!!«... mum is screaming from the kitchen. »Oh lucky me, got to wake up from a crazy screaming mum!«, I love school, why should I be late! That's what everyone thinks, I'm thinking. But I don't care what they expect from me, I won't give it to them. Well, whatever...

After getting dressed, she went to school and saw him. Their classrooms are next to each other, so she got to see him a lot.
„Now my day is safed", she thought getting into the room, full of her classmates, which are waiting to bully her as soon ad possible....

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