Alice in wonderland 21 century

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Alice POV

So here I am finally 21 still just sitting here like a loner its been about a year since Donald left me for that other girl when he thought I was gone forever as I thought too. But all was well with us and he was excited and was relieved that I was back but I guess I was gone for a little longer then I thought but then again wonderland has no time because its not needed everyone just has there place and knows exactly what there were brought in the world for..while everyone else still has no clue. As most people would think I am jealous of her and I kinda am, just because Donald and I have always been perfect for each other and not only that but he is the only one who still believes me today about me falling down that rabbit hole and going into an alternate universe called wonderland, when I told others they thought It was just apart of my "childhood imagination" but it wasn't and I know because I still have havo feelings and oh I wish i coud go back just for a little while I dearly miss my friends and all of those who I met along the way. Anyways I have only a drop left of the 'drink me' bottle. And Only a bite left of the 'eat me' cake left. Oh I wish it would do, but it wouldn't I just know it wouldn't, not with my luck anyways. But I spend a good amount of time at night trying to hunt for that rabbit hole I fell into that night but somehow its gone It is magic so that could be a fairly good reason but no matter I need to keep looking and I shall keep looking until I find it. The other day in the mail I received a invitation to my step sisters wedding which I do not plan on attending but my mother says "oh but Alice my dear u must not miss that wedding no matter how much u dislike her she is family and u need to show u care even if you don't"so basically no matter what I did to try and get out of it, I failed, and I honestly doubt I can find the rabbit hole in time when the weddings a month away and I still have lots if ground to search but I am completely determined to find that hole and then they will have no choice but to let me miss it. I am honestly torn about Donald and that girl.. And I keep saying girl because No matter how hard I try I can never seem to hear her name come out if anyone's mouth, or hear her come up in conversation for that matter. Maybe Donald is just using her to get to me.. But he wouldn't do that... Or would he?

Donalds POV:

Alice is finally back and for some odd reason she doesn't seem to notice me anymore... The only time she ever even glances at me  is when she is looking at Kristen my amazing girlfriend... I kinda feel bad though because the last time I talked to Alice is right before she went on that walk at night of our fight and I went looking for her for hours but it was getting late and was getting dark and I couldn't wait to find her.. As 12 o'clock rolled around she was still no where to be found so I decided to head home still mad at myself for saying what I said. It was my fault she got upset and went on that walk and it was my fault she was gone. When she got back about a month later she came home and we just talked and spent the whole day together and she told me that as she was on her walk she saw a hole and as she was peeking in she fell and she was sent into a place she has never seen before with lots of costumes and talking animals and magic food and drink that make u change heights and a lot more stuff but I didn't believe her but I didn't want her to know that but I acted as if I did believe her. To be honest I kinda feel like Kristen is jealous of Alice but I told her Alice is just a friend and I love her but I love u more. but I was still madly in love with Alice but she won't even look at me. I need to find time alone to talk to her but I am so nervous we haven't spoke in ages... She seems like a whole new person now she has been talking with this guy named Alex but I think they are just friends.. I hope they are just friends. Alice step sister Mable is having a wedding in about a month and I was invited and Alice is going I feel sure, and I will have the perfect place to talk to her then.. Because Kristen is going on a trip to Rio which is like half way around the world, and so I can talk to Alice without Kristen being nervous about the whole thing. So she wont have to worry because I may have not told her about the wedding because I knew if I told her she would think something of it especially if she knew about Alice being there... So when I woke up I made a cup of coffee and went to see if Kristen was up yet Because she wanted to get ready and pack since her trip is like 3 days away.. And there she was all ready and packed and she looked exhausted. "How long have u been up?" I asked. She answered back in a tired voice "too long, I woke up at 1 o'clock because I had a bad dream and it was about me forgetting something for the trip, so I got dressed made a list of everything I needed and I went up and got everything on the list and packed all of it"."  I asked if I could see the list. She handed it to me ready as she continued to pack her things. " there must be a hundred things on this" I said. She laughed nervously "that's only the first page".  I told her to lay down and get some rest and I would wake her when breakfast was ready. She rested her head in relief.. Minutes after she was asleep.

alice In Wonderland 21 Century Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora