Dear Friend...

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Once in a while you stumble upon someone truly amazing, and you gotta treasure that person or someone else will steal them. Thats what I intend to do if I find anyone extraordinary.
Its my first day at a knew school and I'm terrified. I'm not gonna tell you my age or name or the name of anyone around me. Because if i did that you might figure out who I am and I really don't want you to do that. I'll call myself Elizabeth. But in order for you to understand me you need to a few things about me. I have long blonde hair that hangs limply around my shoulders. My face is very pale and my eyes are blue with gold flecks. Unusual, but so am I. I am very quiet, but I used to be loud and funny. In middle school I had a good friend who I thought was the greatest person in the world. But at the end of 8th grade she turned to drugs and got pregnant. We haven't spoken since I left eighth grade. A lot of my old friends are pregnant now though. I guess high school does that to a person. I hope it doesn't do it to me. Now you know why I am quiet and shy, and what I look like, so maybe I should tell you what I wanted to the moment I started writing. I didn't want to tell you my past or what I look like or whats wrong with me because thats a really long list and its quite pointless except to make you sad and I don't want to make you sad. I wrote to tell you about my first day at my new school.
I started out in my advisory where everyone knew someone except me. After that I went to math, I am not good at math and I got called out for not listening twice. The girl who sat beside me kept making faces. Next I went to my only AP class, biology. I liked this class except there is a lot of homework for the first day, and my teacher told me it was only the tip of the iceberg. After that I had lunch. This was when my life became eventful. The boys in the cafeteria stared at me and it was very uncomfortable. When I got to the front of the lunch line I had to walk through a lot of smoke from some kids who laughed at me when I choked. I got my lunch and I ate alone at the edge of a table that was only being used by one other kid. He was older than me, and was also sitting alone, humming. He seemed happy. I was about to muster up the courage to talk to him (he was the only other kid not surrounded by friends so I thought we might get along) when he waved and a huge crowd of kids sat by him pushing me to the very side of the table and crushing all my hopes of friendship. I ate my apple and threw away the rest, and decided to find my English class when the hallway was empty. I was getting close when I began to choke on smoke again. One of the kids who laughed at me in the lunch room was standing in front of me smoking something vile. He grabbed my arm and slid some drugs into my palm. He suggested I try them for half off. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't afraid of him because he wasn't particularly strong and I was in shape but my parent would be disappointed if I got in a fight my first day, and I really didn't want to go around making enemies on my first day. "No thank you." I whispered to the boy who was holding my arm. "But if I change my mind I'll come to you." He released his rather firm grim on me and slithered away hissing something about a onetime deal. The lunch bell rang and I hurried hoping to make it to my class before any students caught up to me. In English class I made my first friend. His name was Mr. Thompson, but he told me to call him Dan. He was my teacher and he was very kind. He gave me a book, a rather thin book about a boy named Charlie. It made me cry, and Dan looked at me strangely. He probably doesn't usually see kids cry when he gives them presents.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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