Untitled Part 1

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So, as it's the Birthday of my other Best Friend Laura beside Whatsername, i wrote a Story for her. This Day is also really special to me, as like i said, that it were her Birthday. And well, this Time, she isn't an Idiot, like Whatsername, she's a Killjoy like me. Happy Birthday, Tiger Queen! <3 PierceTheLaurey98

,,Laura?'' I called after her, as i sat in the Living Room of our shared Home with my Laptop on a Pillow, so i wouldn't burn my Legs. ,,Yes?'' She answered and peeked by the Stairs, with the short red Hair. ,,Today is this Party, you know?'' I asked and she rolled her Eyes a bit around, what she always did, when she was thinking. ,,Yeah! You still want to go with me there?'' She asked a bit disappointed. I knew why, she thought, that i forgot her Birthday. But i really want to go there, because i met the Internet Guy on the Street, she always were talking about. Frank knew, what was going on and he said, he wouldn't ruin this Surprise like last Year. ,,Oh and, if you don't mind, Frank will come with us, is that okay?'' I asked and she nodded. Then she got up again. ,,Oh man...'' I whispered, as i brushed trough my own brown and short cut Hair. Laura's Hair was shorter than mine. But she still looked like a Girl. I was just looking like a Lesbian, even if I'm not. I was pansexual, why the Reason is, the most of my Friends call me ''Panda'' or like Laura ''Panda Girl''. Then the Doorbell rang. ,,Panda, it's for you!'' Laura called and i thanked her. ,,Oh hi Frank!'' I greeted him and got up to kiss him a little. ,,Hey, did Laura found out?'' He whispered. ,,No, I'm right now texting to him. He seems really to match her.'' I said and showed him what i wrote to the Guy. ,,Oh,he seems Familiar but i don't know to who."He said and i just shrugged it off.,,So...What Animal will you Cosplay?'' He asked me. ,,I and Laura decided to go as Panda and Tiger. Well, i said her, she could go as a Tiger Queen. And you?'' I asked Frank and he just laughed. ,,I think, i go as Dat Boi.'' He answered and i hided both of my Eyes with my Hands. ,,Are you kidding? You could go as a Dog!'' I said, as Laura came downstairs. As fast as i could, i wrote the Guy my Goodbyes and slammed the Laptop close. ,,Who were you texting?'' She asked and i looked at Frank. ,,She weren't texting someone. She...'' I looked at him with doubt. ,,She...She were shopping some Underwear!'' I face palmed my self. Wow, good Save Frank. ,,Underwear? Seriously?'' Laura asked, raising an Eyebrow. ,,Um...Yeah. But hey, let's go and get our Costumes.'' I said to change the Topic.
We got to the best Costume Shop of our City, as Frank couldn't decide. So Laura got a Tiger costume with a Tiara and i got a Bloody Horror Panda costume. But Frank couldn't decide between a Dinosaur, a Dog or a Unicorn. So i pulled him from Laura away. ,,HE will be dressed as a Unicorn. So Dog or Dinosaur.'' I said and he nodded. ,,I think, i go as a Dinosaur.'' He said and we all bought the Stuff.
Finally, it was Time to dress up. I was finished with my Make up too, as i heard muffled Crying from Laura's Room. I knocked low at her Door, as i stepped inside. ,,Laura? Are you okay?'' I asked, as she turned her red and make up smudged Face to me. She were already dressed in her Costume, as i walked over to sit beside her. ,,I hate my Body. I'm so Ugly!'' She said and i shook my Head. I cupped her Face, so she would look into my Eyes.,,Laura, you're not. You're so beautiful. And i said once to you, your Stretch Marks are Tiger Stripes. And if you still don't believe me, i will show, how beautiful you are. And look, if you weren't that pretty, this Guy wouldn't love you, or?'' I asked and she looked down. ,,I don't know, i never saw him and he never saw me. Or well just a Picture. And i don't also know his Name too. He's so weird but still so nice.'' She said and i had to hold in a Smile. Then i pointed to a Poster from Mikey way on her Wall. ,,I'm sure, Mikey Way would love you too. I mean, why not?'' I asked and she smiled then again. ,,Thanks, Kim. You're always helping me so much.'' She said, then i cleaned her face and made her Make up. ,,Frank! We're coming!'' I called out, as i saw him playing with my little black Labrador Damian. ,,Oh, hey you both look really cute!'' He said and i smiled. ,,Well, not as you, you little Dork.'' I said. ,,So, let's go to this weird Party.'' I said, as we walked to it. ,,Whoa...'' We all gasped. This Party was surely one of the Best. Everything was decorated like a Zoo and on the Stage were Gerard way singing. ,,Kim! You didn't say, that Gerard was giving a Concert!'' She said as she got to the Stage to cheer up to him. I and Frank were now all alone. ,,So, where's this Guy?'' He asked, as we danced. ,,I don't know, he said, he would come as fast, as he could.'' I said, as a Unicorn entered the Party. ,,I think, that's him.'' I whispered to Frank. The Guy had a Unicorn Mask on and we slightly insisted of laughing. ,,Follow me.'' I said, as i dragged him to the Unicorn. ,,You're the Guy, or?'' I asked and he nodded then. ,,Should i pull my Mask off?'' He asked and i said him, he shouldn't,since we knew,who he was.
Laura's Pov
Kim and Frank were by a Table, as Gerard took his Break and were sitting with me by a Couch. ,,Oh, well if i could, i would totally live in the Woods.'' He said and i laughed. ,,But there's no Coffee and you're alone.'' I said and he chuckled softly. ,,Well, that's the Contra of it.'' Then a Unicorn Guy came to us. ,,Hey, would you like to dance with me?'' He asked and i and Gerard were looking at Each other. Then Gerard pointed to himself. ,,With me?'' He asked awkwardly. I looked at the Guy's Knees. He were standing there, like he would need to pee. ,,No! I mean the Girl.'' He answered and i looked down at my Skirt. ,,Oh...'' I mumbled. ,,Go, have your fun, little.'' Gerard said and i hugged him. ,,Thanks.'' I said and got with the Guy to the Dance floor. ,,So...You really look cute.'' He said and i thought of, what i could say to him. ,,Thanks...'' I mumbled he seemed to be confused and thinking, how he could talk to me. He would probably fail. But well, today wasn't really my Day, even though it was my Birthday. Then suddenly Gerard began to sing Happy Birthday. ,,Err..What?'' I asked, as he took both of my Hands. ,,Laura, it gives something, i want to tell you.'' He said. ,,Wait, from where do you kno-'' Then he pulled his Mask off. ,,It's me. Mikey way. Or well, the Guy you met from the Internet.'' He said and my Eyes widen. ,,Am i dreaming..?'' I asked and he smiled. ,,No, you're definitely not.'' He answered, as Gerard and some of the People sang along to Happy Birthday.
Kim's Pov
We saw Mikey and Laura in the Middle of the Dance floor, as Gerard began to sing Happy Birthday, as i assured him. Then Mikey pulled his Mask off and Frank's Eyes widen at me. ,,Are you fucking serious?!'' He asked and i shrugged, while laughing him out. ,,Well, i do know you too, so why would it be different?'' I asked.,,Well,i didn't know it were Mikey fucking Way." He shrugged then, blushing as hell. ,,Come, we'll go dance to her.'' I said and pulled him to Laura and Mikey.
Laura's Pov
,, Wait, wait. Prove me, that it's really you!'' I said and Mikey smiled. ,,Okay. ''You're pretty cute, why would anyone hate on you? I mean, for sure, I'm just a Stranger. But I'm not stupid to see real Beauty.'''' He said and i squealed. ,,Oh my god, i never thought it were you! Or that i would meet you here!'' I said and he smiled just even brighter. ,,Well, your Best Friend assured me to come here. It's your Birthday, or not?'' He asked and i nodded shyly. ,,Hey, Tiger Queen! Happy Birthday!'' Kim said, as she came with Frank. ,,Oh, Hi! May i introduce you -'' ,,Panda Girl and Frankosaur.'' Kim interrupted and he just smiled. ,,Hey Mikey.'' Frank answered and they both greeted each other awkwardly. Today were the best Day of my Life. It's a Surprise, that the ''Frankosaur'' didn't ruin this Surprise this Time. Well, after this Party, Mikey said, he would text me, as he would move next to our House. Kim promised me, that she wouldn't ever give me such a Heart Attack but of course, she lied.

Well, that's the Story for Laura. I know, it's a bit Randomly to just cut off that Story by this Point. But i really, really, really Wish you a awesome Birthday. And never forget, you're as Beautiful as you want to be. Love you, Tiger Queen. Xo Panda. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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