June 6, 2016

23 1 4

Welp... I am doing this. This is now a thing. So... My day went well. I woke up at 2:00 in the afternoon. Ligit. Then, I ate a Poptart for breakfast. Lunch? Snack? I didn't realize the time so it was meant to be breakfast. And, I watched YouTube for around two hours. Then, I ate ICE CREAM!!!! Afterwords, I went back to watching YouTube. I ate cake. Then, I got on Wattpad and read FANFICTIONS!!!! Now, here I am. Writing this and realizing how much everyone is going to hate how boring this is. Atleast, until school starts back.


Video Of The Day: How To Cook: Macaroni and Cheese By:Mithzan
Song Of The Day: WiFi Wifey (spelling?) I don't remember the artist...
Picture Of The Day: In the Media.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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