Ichimatsu X Reader Part 1/1

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Ichimatsu was never quite fond of himself; you could never imagine why that was so because he was everything you could want in a person. You would sometimes go on all day about things you admired about him, but you were quickly dismissed. Now that ESP kitty has made his way into the Matsuno household, you took this opportunity to tell Ichimatsu how you really felt...about most things. For now though, Todomatsu and Osomatsu were stealing the spotlight and just decided to use ESP kitty so they could make fun of Choromatsu.

"Choromatsu is cool," said one brother.

"Choromatsu is a dumb virgin,"replied the cat.

"Choromatsu is smart," said the other.

"Choromatsu is stupid," it answered.

This charade lasted for far too long, and just like Ichimatsu, you rested in the corner, away from the simple-minded humor. You faced the floor and clung to your knees, debating on the right opportunity to grab the cat's attention. You turned your head to fix your stare on Ichimatsu. He looked so unhappy, so tired, so in need of his best friend back. You hated seeing him like this-- being robbed of almost all good things life had to offer, yet choosing not to speak up all at the same time.

You fixed your attention back on the others and tried not to crack the tiniest smile at Choromatsu's rage. He eventually gave up, and you realized you had your chance to make ESP reiterate your true feelings. You shooed all the brothers away-- as well as Matsuyo and Matsuzo, picked up the cat, and set him in front of Ichimatsu. You then sat down next to ESP Kitty so that you were both directly in front of Ichimatsu.

"Now I know in the past you have never believed me when I said you were the greatest friend I could ever ask for or how much I valued you; well today," You pat the cat's head lovingly, "I want to tell you that I haven't been lying."

Ichimatsu was speechless. He opened his mouth and lifted a finger as if to make an objection, but he stopped himself and kept listening.

You faced the cat and started naming everything you found likable about him and went off on your fingers to keep track.

"I have always loved your messy hair." One.

"I have always admired your inner strength." Two.

"Your protectiveness over those you care about always makes me feel important." Three.

"Your smile is contagious, and your laugh is something I could listen to all day long." Four.

"Purple is my favorite color. It suits you very well." Five.

"While you didn't feel like you did well at Iyami's "school" for comedy, you never fail to make me laugh." Six.

"You may not feel like you are important at all, but I can tell how much your family loves you. You are so important to me as well as everyone else you know." Seven.

"Your immense care for Jyushimatsu lets me know that you are an amazing brother, and I know he is safe when he's with you." Eight.

"I'm glad you exist. I'm glad you have not given up on life." Nine.

"And most importantly, you are my best friend, and I want it to stay this way forever." Ten.

You waved your all your extended fingers at him and waited for ESP kitty to repeat your words. You smiled triumphantly as he did exactly that, but your smiled faded as soon as he got to the last one.

"I don't just want Ichimatsu to be my best friend. I don't just like him that way."

You gasped and stared in disbelief. Did he really just that??

"No! I mean--ah..uhm..well!" You struggled to gather the right way to phrase how you felt; he was just as shocked as you.

You slouched and rubbed your forehead in defeat.

"Ok. It's true. I do have strong feelings about you in...that way. I guess it's better to confess now than never."

He gave a small smile and placed his hand on your shoulder. You turned reluctantly, but you realized you had to face him again at some point.

"Thank you. Thank you for always being honest with me. I'm sorry I never believed you. And well...I must admit," his voice trailed off, but you still heard him, "I honestly really like you too. In that way," he teased.

"I really like you too," came the cat's voice-- confirming Ichimatsu's true feelings.

After a couple seconds of silence you pulled each other into a warm, gentle embrace. You could feel his glee in the hug, and it was immense. You smiled brightly and knew you made a huge impact on him with ESP kitty's help.

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