What Fangirling Means To Me

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The reason that I’m a fangirl is simple; I love to read. I love to love characters. When authors do a really good job and you know the characters in a story better then you know yourself or your friends, it’s magical.

I’m a really shy person who has a hard time starting a conversation with anybody outside my family and close friends. What made it worst to be shy was that we moved. Once we moved I had no friends, I didn’t want to talk to my family and reconnecting with friends back home just made it hurt so much more. So I turned to people that would never judge me and that would be there whenever I open the cover of a book.

The character that has been with me since I was ten is Percy Jackson. I have grown up with him and his friends. And they have helped me through some rough parts in my life. Six years later, I am still dying, waiting for the new installment of what’s going to happen to him next.   

I believe that being a fangirl is more than just loving the plot or the characters. Loving them isn’t quite enough; part of you has to believe that it’s real. Be it a happy ending like in the fairy tales we were told as kids or that you can be that kick-butt hero saving the day. Part of you has to believe that maybe one day you could be living an awesome life full of adventure with close friends.

Unfortunately some people just don’t get the love we have for characters. They always say that they’re not real. And every time someone tells me that I want to say to them: Maybe not physically, but in a lot of people’s hearts, they are. They’re so much more than just words on a page. Sometimes they are even closer friends then the ones that you go to school with. And if the author has done a good job, they are people that we will never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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