Advance Acting and Pretences

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So, ever since that Freaky Friday episode, I wanted to do… this. 'Freaky Friday' romance stuff. Yeah, enjoy. Set probably after the original "Basic Human Anatomy" episode.

The last paragraph is my favourite, tell me what you think!

Jeff walked into Group Study Room F, glancing up to say hi before returning to his phone. Then he paused and looked up again slowly.

“Um… What’s going on?”

Annie looked at him from Abed’s with a vaguely confused look. “We’re doing a body swap episode,” she clarified.

“Freaky Friday?”

Annie wrinkled her nose. “More like the episode “Rough Trade” from American Dad. We haven’t really ‘swapped bodies’, we’re just pretending we have.” She tilted her head. “The storyline was good, but the constant discontinuity of Roger’s backstory ruins the suspension of belief. In other stories we’ve seen Roger hold several jobs, it makes Roger’s side of the story unbelievable.” She frowned. “Then again, it is a cartoon and they don’t really rely on continuity.” She tilted again.

There was a silence.

“Good Abed,” Jeff said.

Annie gave a proud smile, then hid it again in a neutral expression.

Jeff took his seat and looked around. In Britta’s spot was Troy, and vice versa, just as Annie was in Abed’s seat and Abed was in hers.

“So um…”

Abed gave him a bright Annie-esque smile, which made Jeff shudder slightly. He looked back at Annie. “Why?”

Annie’s back straightened. “Well, Britta and Troy were fighting and then they started mimicking each other. Abed decided he wanted in, and somehow…” She took a deep breath suddenly, realising was slipping out of character slightly. “It’s a bit.”

Jeff looked at the four of them. “And you guys are all right with this?”

Shirley shrugged. “We weren’t invited to this.” She waved a hand around.

“You weren’t there.” Annie said quickly.

“Damn right we weren’t there.” Pierce muttered.

Jeff gave them looks. “I wasn’t talking to you.” He looked at Britta. “Seriously?”

She gave an over-exaggerated shrug. “Don’t ask me, I’m a stupid jock.”

Troy gave a strained laugh. “You could ask me, but I’ll just give you a long pointless answer that will end up just being another protest.”

He glared at Britta, who pulled a face back.

“They’re still fighting,” Annie needlessly clarified.

“R-ight,” Jeff said. He looked at Abed. “And you’re fine with this.”

Abed smiled again. “Yep. It could be an interesting experience.” He mimicked Annie’s tones and inflections perfectly in a very chilling way.

He looked back at Annie, the one he’d always thought was the sanest of them, but apparently wasn’t quite as sane as he’d thought. “And what about classes?”

Annie shrugged. “We figure that Greendale’s rules and structure isn’t cemented enough to even notice the change.”

Jeff thought on it for a bit. “Right, whatever. As long as it doesn’t affect me.”

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