
64 1 1

1year back

after that call from her father telling "i won't be coming home again,she don't have manners"
her mother and she herself paced the house all night long , in the initial hours she hoped her father will be back but eventually he did not.
She tried his number endlessly but it showed being dead all the time. . . Many thoughts came rushing in . . Is he okay?is he hurt?what went wrong . . Why won't he come back? Why is he doing so?he loves us right? . . . The hope was breaking with passing secondsShe wanted to be strong for her ma,she told her "ma if he would have cared about he would've came ,don't care for such man who does'nt care about you"
her ma kept quiet not a single word uttered between the two . . . It was raining dogs and cats but it seemed signifies dark . . .

That night something strong died inside her when her father did not returned, in the early hours when her sister arrived she scolded her for speaking too much . . . But all she thought what did she said that made her father go . . . She repeated that conversation a million times in her head . . But she couldn't understand what went wrong actually .
Atlast he came back by the next afternoon . . . No emotion on his face , no answer to those heartbreaking questions.
That day to this she cried her heart out to her pillow n now she is the one with a blank face. #noemotions

She still dont know why didnt he come back, how was he ?where was he ?. . He loves them right?

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