My Mate is Wanted

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Anna knew it was a bad idea  to go for a run on her own. Her mind screamed at her to run away. Fast! But a nagging feeling in the wolf part of her mind kept her still. Patiently waiting as the warm, intoxicating smell grew stronger. As a twig snapped a few feet away, Anna's mind went back to her fathers words only hours ago, 

"Anna, I know you want to run but as my daughter you can't go running off whenever you please.Our grounds are safe but if there were a breach, you would be like a glowing, neon target! Andbefore you try to argue, I know you can defend yourself but there is a limit on how much an onewerewolf can do, especially one lone she-werewolf. "

At the time, Anna had simply nodded and allowed his warnings to simply fade in one ear and out the next. Now, those warnings seemed very real. I'm going to die, Anna thought desperately as she begged her wolf paws to run, jog, walk, anything! Swiveling her speckled head to the right where the approaching paws stopped, Anna stared at the large black wolf. His bright blue eyes seemed to glow against his midnight black fur. A low rumble passed through the huge wolf, but Anna felt less fear than she had since she realized there was another presence in the woods. 

The large wolf took deliberate and slow steps towards her as he scrutinized her obviously smaller, white and black speckled frame. Anna was always on the small size, even for a female werewolf as she could almost pass for a normal wolf. Her nervous eyes watched the large wolf as he finished his circle around her and stood in front of her. Anna knew that by now it was too late to try to run and she didn't know if her paws would even obey if she tried. 

Anna stared into the blue eyes and stood silently as the black mystery wolf closed the distance between them. His warm breath ruffled her fur around her neck and Anna could not contain the small whimper that escaped her. What had happened to her? Where was the brave Anna who took on every challenge to show that even though she was a girl and on the smaller side, she was strong? All Anna could comprehend was that the attraction she felt towards him wouldn't allow for her to hurt him. Whether or not he felt the same brought butterflies to the pit of her stomach as she eased back nervously. 

A low growl stopped her and she froze. The wolf obviously was not pleased she moved away and he once more closed the small distance Anna had managed to achieve. Suddenly the large muzzle was in Anna's fur and a spark ignited through her body. Mate! 

Anna immediately relaxed and a wolf-like purr vibrated her chest as the mystery wolf rubbed his head against her neck and nuzzled her gently. Although female werewolves could only reconize their mate through physical contact, male werewolves could sense a mate through scent or sight alone. I must have looked so stupid to him! Afraid of my own mate! Anna scolded herself as she melted into the large mass of muscle and dark fur. 

All too soon, the black werewolf pulled away, his eyes gleaming with happiness as he licked Anna's face before trotting to the nearby brush. No! Anna thought in dispare as her mate dissapeared from view I've already lost my mate! What did I do wrong? Oh no, oh no Anna wailed silently as she stared longlingly at the trees. 

"I'm sorry, love. I just wanted to shift so we could talk and I could see your human form." came a silk smooth voice before a tall man walked forward. The tension in Anna's muscles relaxed immediately and she nodded towards the trees to her right before going behind them and shifting. Anna let a wave of calmness sweep over her so that the shift wouldn't hurt. 

After pulling on her clothes, a pair of running shorts and a large T-shirt, Anna stepped out to find the clearing empty. Where did he go? Anna wondered to herself when suddenly hands shot out and covered eyes with one and wrapping around her waist with the other. Anna's defensive training kicked in immediately and she slipped through the arms and kicked her assaulter onto the ground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2011 ⏰

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