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{Your P.o.V}

You walked into an art gallery that had just opened up. It was dedicated to the works of Gurentena. Sad to say, he died a few years ago, and it was your dream to meet him. But, in this museum, you got to see arts that no one had ever seen before. Of course, for your birthday, your parents were going to take you to the one right in town!! You were the happiest nine year old ever!!

"Come on, (Y/N)!! We have to pay for you!" You ran behind our mother, and tugged on her skirt.

"Mommy, can I go ahead? PLLLEEEEAAAAASEE?"

She hesitated and she nodded.

"Alright, but mind your manners!"

You giggled and started to look at all of the art. All of it was so different, but beautiful! Even the ones that no one looked at, you saw beauty in everything.

After looking downstairs, you walked up them to find so much more. And while looking, you found a HUGE painting! You ran up to it so you could read it.

"Fabricated World." You read aloud.

Then the lights went out!!

"Uh oh! I don't like the dark!"

In the dark, you tried to find your parents, but no one was around! Then, you tried to go outside, but the doors were locked!

So, with no other option, you tried looking for another way. As you passed by some of the art, you heard various noises coming from the paintings. You got a bit scared, but kept moving on. You found yourself at Fabricated World again.

There was blue paint, but they were forming words.


As a curious nine year old, you went downstairs to the Abyss of the Deep. There were footprints! 

You walked to the edge of it, and you fell in!


You woke up next to a rainbow colored rose in a mysterious place.

"Ohh! Pretty!" You picked the rose from the vase, and was chased by the various art you saw in the gallery. There was also a little girl with a green dress and blonde hair.

While running, you found a door with a vase like your rose. Quickly putting your rose in it, the door opened and you ran inside it, shutting it behind you. The whole room was filled with books, but you didn't care about it at the moment.

You sat down in front of the door and started to cry with your knees pulled to your chest, clutching the flower tightly.

"I wanna go home! I don't like it here!!" You cried even harder...How are you gonna get home?"


[Ten years later]

{Garry's P.o.V}

I visited the local gallery and looked at the artwork. While looking at a rose sculpture, I met two adults.

"Beautiful, no?" I asked. The woman nodded.

"Yes. We come here everyday to look at the work. This one was our dead daughter's favorite. It has been ten years since." She started to cry, and the man took her away.

I looked at the rose again, and touched it. Then everything went black.


I woke up in a strange gallery with a girl holding my rose to my face.

"Oh! My rose! Thank you for healing it."

I took my rose from the girl. She had brown hair, and was wearing a red and white schoolgirl outfit.

"Your welcome! I am Ib!" She smiled and held out her hand.

"My names Garry. A little girl shouldn't be alone, so lets get out of here!"

We solved various puzzles, and soon met Mary. Blonde hair, green dress with a blue bow.

"Oh! A red rose! And a blue one! Blue is my favorite!!" We all laughed and kept going on.

Later on, we got separated.

"You two go on. I will find a way around."

I turned and saw two doors. One was the freaky doll room, and the other had a rainbow colored vase next to it.

"How do you get in, I wonder?" I said as I hears footsteps approaching.

Thinking it was the girls, I turned around and saw someone else entirely!

A girl about the same age as me. She was wearing a teal dress with the sleeves at her shoulders. Black boots ran up her knee, and a black bandanna with a rainbow colored rose was around her neck. She had {e/c} eyes that sparkled, and her {h/c} hair was in a neat bun with her bangs out framing one side of her face. A shocked expression covered her face.

"A-are you a painting?" She asked as she started to sweat.

I showed her my rose, and she calmed herself. Then, she walked past me and placed her rose in the vase. The door opened.

"Get in here. It isn't safe outside." She walked in and I followed behind, shutting the door.

"My name is (Y/N). I came here alone, and I am from the gallery. What about you?''

"Garry. A little girl came with me, and we found another in here. I came from the same place and just got here. You?"

She held tears in her eyes and shook her head.

"I have been stuck here alone for ten years."

Trapped Then Free...Garry X Reader (Ib)Where stories live. Discover now