F*ck Hitler

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A/N: I found this from high school. Back in 05' freshman year i had to write something about anything in World War Two. My teacher said, i could write any style, just had to involve WWII. So in my teenage "angsty" ways, i wrote this little diddy about the Fuehrer himself. I called it, "Fuck Hitler". My teacher laughed and thought it was so creative he gave me an A. Ha! Score one for me! XD

Rest in piss, rest in hell, rest in pieces

Wither in torture as your demon soul slowly fades then ceases

Burn baby burn, you're the one in the oven now

Bend over the unholy beasts leg and be his bitch as you only know how

Watch the world rise to your fall

As they curse your wretched memories as you're in your victims thrall

Rest in cowardice bullets and all

Death was your beginning, hell is your final call

Hail Hitler no more

Hail hitler's brains, cause he splattered them all over the floor

You are powerful huh? More powerful than god?

Look who won the war, who stormed your castle abroad

You are no more, you're a silent fart in the breeze

Many think justice was never done, but i say, "Who's in hell, begging for mercy on his knees?"


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