The First Year Part 2

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Arriving at the airport, Kevin and Patrick headed toward the bar for a drink before their flight. As they sat there, Kevin turned to his husband.

"Babe? I have a confession to make."

" Oh really? What would that be?"

"Well you see it's like this," reaching into the front of his carry on, Kevin pulled out two tickets, laid them on the table between them and waited for Patrick to look at them.

Smiling at Kevin, Patrick didn't even look at the tickets. He just kept looking at his husband and waited for him to explain.

"Aren't you even going to look at them?"

"No why? You showed me them last night remember?"

"Yeah about that." Once again Kevin reached into his carry on and ...pulled out two other tickets and laid them next to the ones already on the table.

Looking confused, Patrick now picked up the second pair Kevin put down, read them then laid them down. Then he picked up the first pair, read them and his eyes practically bugged out of his head.

Looking up at Kevin with a very confused look, he opened his mouth..then closed it. Then opened it, then closed it again. At a loss for words he slumped back in his chair and simply looked at Kevin.

Chuckling, Kevin reached over and took the first set off the table and before Patricks shocked eyes, ripped them in half.

"Kevin! What are you doing? Those are our tickets to..." stopping what he was saying and seeing the devilish grin on his husbands face, Patrick stopped, tilted his head to the right, squinted his left eye and "Alright Kevin Matheson- Murray..just WHAT are you up to?'

Sitting back, arms crossed and a smirk on his face, Kevin said "So ok, we aren't going to the beach we spent our honeymoon on. We are, as you can tell by the other tickets, going to Hawaii for the week. I thought it might be nice you know, to go there instead..catch some waves, get "lei'd" at the airport. So what do you think?"

"Ok first of all I am all for Hawaii, the beach and getting "lei'd " at the airport. " They both chuckled at that. "But why the big secret? I mean I love it. Don't get me wrong but.."

Now snorting in laughter at his husband's willingness to get "lei'd" at the airport, Kevin explained.

"Babe..I wanted this to be a huge surprise for you. After all, you surprised me with Rocky for Valentine's Day, so I wanted to be able to surprise you. There is more than just this, but that is for tomorrow." Winking, Kevin stood up when he heard their flight being called.

Putting out his hand, he waited until Patrick grabbed hold. Then he pulled him up, into his arms and gave him a kiss. "That's our flight. Come on babe, we are outta here!"

Smiling and hanging on to Kevin's hand, Patrick bent down, got his carryon and followed his husband to the gate, through check in and onto the United Airlines flight to Hawaii. As they settled in their first class seats, Patrick was looking around like a kid at a candy store, with huge eyes he asked . "How did you managae this? These tickets couldn't have been cheap."

"Danna Banana." Was all Kevin would say.

"Ahh I see. So my mom was in on this the whole time?"

"YuP!" Sitting back in his seat, Kevin got comfortable for the long trip, not once letting go of Patrick's hand. Patrick was ok with that..he was more than ok with that as he too sat back , still gripping his husbands hand.


After three hours of being asked "Would you like a hot towel?" , "Can I get you anything to drink?" and having to fend off at least one flight attendant, before he realized they wore wedding rings, the boys landed in Honolulu.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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