The entire story.

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Author's note: This story is based off of one of my dearest friends. He shall not be named, for fear of losing a friend.

My, as well as others names have been changed for the same reason. Thank you for understanding.

There once was a boy, who imagined of doing great things. This boy was Nathan, and he is quite the peculiar little fellow. His parents are divorced, having a mutual hatred for each other, leading their child to pseudo depression.

On a quiet winter day, this boy decided to aspire to new heights... Literally. Nathan started a Parkour class, which was a brand new ocean for him, as in the past, he was... Stubborn. With constant complaining about how he "Can't do anything" or he "Has no skill", and even "I don't know anything, I'm an idiot."

This drove all of his friends to near insanity, as they knew very well he could, if he would just try. After years of this miserable state of mind, he, along with his parents support, decided to start something new. He began to take classes for free running and parkour. As his skill grew, so did his happiness, getting better and better by the week. Nathan would constantly practice, improving by the flip. His friends would cheer him on, some even joining in and competing. But there was one friend who was nowhere near as athletic, nor motivated to even imagine participating in such acts. This boy was Justin, a rather large, intelligent gamer. He always strived to help people, and for many years, it was clear that Nathan and Justin were the greatest of friends. Nearly every week, the two would meet up and have genuine fun, gaming, running, etc. It was when Nathan started parkour that their friend ship started to dwindle, as the boys were older, and busy all the time. Once Justin realized what was going on, he immediately tried to help.

Justin began to almost devote his life to helping others, as he was so inspired to mend people's life. He started doing poorly in school, going from a top notch student to near failing. He gained many friends, some with really tragic stories themselves. Some lost parents, others simply needed a guide. Either way, he was there for them. And when it came to Nathan... He was determined to help him. Nathan would make remarks such as: "I suck so much at this game... Why don't I just stand still?" These only sparked the flame inside Justin, causing him to go out of his way and teach Nathan. Eventually, Nathan began to improve drastically. This made Justin satisfied, making him realize he still had his own life to tend to. But by then, it was too late. Summer was here, and this caused Justin to be depressed and afraid. "What'll my parents think? Will they ground me? Would I be able to talk to my friends..?"

This was about the time that Nathan's dad, Jeremy, realized he had a double hernia, and wouldn't be able to work for six weeks. At the same time, Nathans mom might have had breast cancer. Nathan didn't know what to do, feeling very discouraged and depressed. This of course made Justin determined to help in any way. Justin helped take Nathan's mind off of the demons that afflicted his parents. Justin understood very well, as his dad was found to have a tumor in his back, and his mother was working two part time jobs to support the family. The two boys were making it through their troubles together, learning both the good and bad at the same time. And on a certain night, Justin tried to get Nathan to delve into new waters again. No matter how hard he tried, Nathan refused to comply with Justin, to the point where Justin... Gave up. This is when Justin decided to write a story.. In an attempt to spread the story of two best friends.

This, this is where the story ends.

At a computer desk, at 12:34 in the morning.

Thank you for reading my story, and just in case you didn't read the note at the beginning, I changed the names around in an attempt to keep my friendship.

Sincerely, Mr_3b0l4.

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