Chapter I

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"Mom, stop crying. I'm gonna be okay."

"I know, honey. After doing this 2 times, I'm still not used to it."

My mom had been crying the entire time we had been on the road. We were currently making our way to my new home, Northwestern in Illinois. However my dad, trailing behind, seem excited to finally get me out of the house. I had to admit I hate the idea of leaving home and learning to make a living for myself. I was the last one out of my two brothers to leave for college. They had already been successful, but I was not sure I could do the same.

"You know what? I'll call you whenever I'm free. This makes me feel old already," I said to assure her that we won't lose contact.

"You better come home for major holidays, like Thanksgiving and Christmas. You know how much I go all out on cooking and decorating."

I just nodded. I can't promise if I'll be free to go home.

A few hours later, we arrive on the enormous campus. Tears start to build up in my eyes. I'm ready but I'm not ready.

My mom drops me off by the tables where they assign dorms. I quickly give them my information and we head towards my home for the next few years. Now it's time to unpack.

I put my 10 pairs on pom-poms in specific place. Tryouts started in a few days and I wasn't sure which ones I wanted to use. The purple ones were my favorite. They made me feel confident which sounds really cheesy.

It takes us a few hours to get all my stuff situated in my dorm. I wanted to feel as close to home as possible.

"Well this is it," I manage to get out while trying to choke back my tears.

I feel the instance warmth as my parents hug me into a tight embrace.

"We're gonna miss. You're going to do great things," my dad says. I look up as I see a tear roll down his face.

We stand there and hug for at least 20 minutes before the hop in my dad's car and drive back home. I lay on my bed and take in the entire room. I am living here now with a possibly obnoxious or pleasant roommate. As I began to come up with possibilities, in walks a girl who seems to be the living Barbie.

"I'm Alissa and I'm ready to fucking party," she blurts out of nowhere.

Great, I have the roommate who thinks about partying 24/7.

And so I guess Day 1 starts today.


Hey guys, so I'm starting a new book.

I know it's really short but I wanted the first chapter just to be an introduction and not get into too much detail.

So if you guys like it, please vote for it and comment some suggestions :))))

~taylor xx

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