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Parker's POV

"Oh honey it's time to get up" Harvey mocked In a motherly voice as he jumped on me.

"Ahh dude what the heck!" I yelled slowly waking up from my sleep, that was a good dream to I'm going to get him back for that.

"Good morning sleepy head" he cooed putting a hand on my face, I whacked it away.

"your an idiot did ya kno that Harvey?" He chuckled and pushed me off the bed,

" not as much of an idiot as you! Remember the time when.."I interrupted before he could answer, I did not want to hear what was going to come out of that big mouth of his .

"Shit Harvey I'm gonna kill you!" I cursed. tackling him to the floor with me. He chuckled

" why would you want to kill me I'm just so gorgeous, you'd miss my sexy face" he smirked, I shook my head at him, god my brother has an ego the size of the sun. I pushed him hard in the chest.

"Harvey what the heck are you doing in my room! I thought you still had some girl you took home last night" he chuckled mischievously, my brother is such a man whore he is 18 in senior year and his the most popular kid in school because his the captain of the football team that hasn't had a loss all season so his like royalty at the school and his the hottest guy as well which means he can get any girl he wants. He cut off my train of thought

"Well you kno what happened Parker ya see we played some games in the bedroom like hide and seek and played with numbers if ya kno what i mean" he winked at me

"You are so gross man I did not need to kno about what you do in the bedroom with random chicks" I say disgusted, he just laughs at me while smirking. That my friend is the smirk that gets all the ladies.

"Come on baby bro your only a year younger I'm sure you've experienced that? And there not random chicks there from our school!" He chuckled as he got up and sat comfortably on my king sized bed while I just chilled on the floor

"Whatever you say Harvey. And that's none of your business if I have. I'm gonna go get brekkie" I smirked and shook my head as I made my way to my bedroom door.

"Ohh so have done it haven't you Parker oh how they grow up so fast" we both laughed and I playfully punch his arm.

"Oww that hurt!" He exclaimed jokingly holding his arm around where I punched him.

"Aww is poor baby Harvey going to run away to mummy" I mocked him as we enter the downstairs kitchen.

"Do you dooche bags ever shut up!" My twin sister Reef yelled jokingly "Yous are such girls with your little petty fights I mean grow a pair" she smirked.

I glared at my twin she looked like me we both had sandy blonde hair with bright blue and green eyes and tan skin but I had dimples and she didn't plus she was a girl and not a boy I was the oldest though by 30seconds and I never let her live it down. Ahh I'm so evil.

"I think I have a pair do you want to see it sis hmm?" Harvey smirked. I chuckled to myself.

"Ewwww I do not want to see your thingy argh gag!" She looked horrified, I shook my head and smiled as I walked to the fridge what a lovely family I have.

"Aww come on baby sis you kno you wanna see junior" Harvey winked at her.

She shuddered "In ya dreams "Bro" she snickered and playfully punched him in the chest

"ooooh was that ment to..." She tackled him to the ground before he could finish his sentence, this was my cue to leave before mum comes raging in. I left the kitchen and headed to my room to get ready for school.

I checked myself out in the mirror and was pleased with how I looked, I rubbed my hand through my shaggy blonde hair and put a 5 panel cap on, I took one last glance in the mirror and grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.

"Have a great day at school darling I don't want any phone calls today" my mother said sternly as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Yeah mum I'll try but you kno how it is" she shook her head at me and sighed.

I walked out the door and got into my BMW and waited for Reef to come. I started the engine.

"Argh come on Reef it's going to start raining hurry up" I mumbled to myself.

I turned on the radio and Kid Cudi's Pursuit of Happiness was on I started singing quite loudly.

".....I'm on a pursuit of happiness and I kno everything that's shine ain't always gonna be gold

I'll be fine once I get it, yeah

I'll be good."

I sung really loud "Tell me what you know about dreamin'".

"Ahh what the fuck Reef! What have I told you about hitting my poor baby Roxanne!" Reef kept hitting the window she smirked at me I shock my head now I was pissed no ones hits Roxanne!

"Open up and turn that shit off you can't sing for crap!" Reef yelled out of frustration. I unlocked the car and she jumped in.

We were nearly at school when it started pouring down with rain. Today was not going to be a good day I hate rain.

"What's with the face Parker have you finally noticed how much of a dick you are?"

Argh Reef shut up you are not making this better "Ha ha very funny. No I hate the rain!" I scowled at her she looked at me like a grew a second head.

"You mean Parker the Bad Boy hates the harmless rain. O my god that's the funniest thing I've heard all day". She started laughing uncontrollably I just glared at her and hit her arm.

She stopped instantly and gave me daggers. "That hurt Parker!!!!" She yelled and started hitting me. I blocked every hit which seemed to infuriate her more.

"argh you turd burger!" She exclaimed defeated. I chuckled.

"You can never win can you" I winked at her. She just groaned and looked out the window with arms crossed.

We fell into a comfortable silence lost in our own thoughts.

"Hey Parker is that a girl from our school walking in the rain?" Reef glanced to me then out the window.

"Yeah I think so, Meh she can walk in the rain her problem not ours." I'm not let anyone in my baby Roxanne, I glared at the road ahead.

"Ow what was the for!?" I yelled in frustration I rubbed my arm where she hit me. Reef just glared at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Pull over and ask her if she needs a ride you dick! You wouldn't want to be in the rain would you!!" I shook my head no way in hell was I being in the rain. I looked over to her and gave in, I pulled over to the side of the road.

So not cool.


Hiiiiii guys!!!

I hope you liked it! :) I decided to start the story off in Parker's POV instead of Lucee's so you could get an idea about Parker! :P

Sorry it was short I will promise to write more when I start writing chapters but bare with me I don't have internet so I will update when I can!!

Ok byee



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