Chapter 1- I love you

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Misa's POV
"I love you", I say tears streaming down My cheeks. "Well I just don't feel the same", He whispers back. I felt empty it's like he snapped my heart in half and threw the other half away. "B-but why", I croak. It's like I didn't matter to him anymore. "I've moved on maybe you should to", He takes a step back.
I felt the anger kick-in. "With who", I yell. "K-Kat", He replies. I suddenly felt my heart drop to my stomach. "Get out", I cry in anger as I point at the door.
"Whatever", he yells. He pushes me out of his way and slams the door causing me to jump in fright. I drop to my knees and cry.

Threes days later.

I've considered calling Ethan but I know he probably wouldn't pick up. I sigh and pick up my phone and go to the contacts, I scroll to Ethan's contact. Should I? Instead I slide it to the left I see the delete but instead I call him.
I hear it ring, "h-hello is anyone th-" , I quickly hang up.

That's it I'm going the to the fridge to get Ice Cream. "Your kidding me", I wine. "It's all gone", I moan. I'm going to the store to get some.

I finally reach the 7/11 I walk in and go down the aisles and pull to a stop at the freezer. Debating on which One I should get this is almost one of hardest decision I've had to make. I'm just gonna go with... Chocolate chip and vanilla. I slowly walk to the counter. I place the things on the counter. "How is your day", I hear a mans voice say.
"G-good", I reply back with a sad smile.
He's smiles back. He's kinda cute. No way stop Misa you just got out of a relationship . "That'll be $5.50 thanks", the man says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh uhh...", I rifle through my purse. "Hear you go" I say with a weak smile.

I go home.

The rest of that day I all I did was eat my Ice Cream and wonder about that boy I met today. Thinking about how he's clear blue eyes and how they stared into mine.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of my phone buzzing it was a text from Kat: hey I'm really sorry. I really didn't want to speak with her at all.

Hey I hope you like this I'll upload when can cause I still have school and a lot assignments and homework <3 xx- Angel
(Ps tell me if they is any mistakes in this please)

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