(Untitled Siriwan Fanfic)

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Siri Tachi gnawed at her bottom lip as she gazed at the holographic map. The Master's around her quibbled over plans, star systems, battle plans. None of this mattered to Siri at all, she was a soldier. She did what was ordered of her no matter what the strategy.

So why was she here?

Obi-wan Kenobi was why she was here.

He was after her. After his padawan Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side, Obi-wan had been consumed in a manhunt to stop him. In the process he too was lost to the dark side of the Force. After killin his former apprentice, Siri knew he would come for her. She was there when he had stood over the body of Skywalker. She was there to hear his pleas for mercy before his former haster, teacher, friend and brother decapitated him in cold blood. The memory made Srti shudder, in his last moments Anakin had looked to her, she remember his wide, scared eyes pleading with her as he mouthed for mercy. She had been too late to stop Obi-wan. He had a smile on his face when he finally faced her. Since then she knew he would come for her. Old feeling of a secret love, forbidden by the code had festered into passion and obsession for Kenobi. It was only a matter of time.

It had been months since she had seen Obi-wan but she often found herself searching the Force for him. Every bit of news on his movements tightened her chest. She had suffered many sleepless nights as she felt he was getting closer. The Council ruled that she be placed under protection, off the battlefield much to Siri's protest, and taken to a secret location. Not that she really needed the protection, but the Order could not afford to lose more of it's kind. After Anakin's turn, a purge had occurred and many of the Jedi Knights from all parts of the Galaxy were lost. Even the Kenobi's turn....

Siri tensed. He was here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2013 ⏰

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