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"GET UP" my dad yelled as he walked down the hallway "Who did this?!!" He yelled throwing a chair against the wooden door. He was showing us his long red and white javelin that had a scratch on the handle, which by my estimate was three inches long. "Did you do that when you where fighting?" I asked still scared from the chair that now lays broken in our room. "NO and don't talk I was talking to your idiotic sister jade!" My dad replied now mad as ever. A tear trickled down my cheek. "Crocks don't cry!" My dad screamed. I repeated that line over and over in my head. Crocks don't cry! Crocks don't cry!

The next day
"Sorry Artemis I didn't mean for you to get hurt by dad; the knife was meant for me not you, but also thanks for stepping in front of it." I thanked my sister that had ran in front of our guardians knife so I wouldn't get hurt. I will never refer to him as father; not after what he has done to Artemis and I. "No problem you would have done the same, but can you hurry and clean it out before it gets infected." My sister asked trying but failing to hide the pain. My only thought was I am getting out of here tonight. I finished cleaning out her wound like I had so many times before.
A few hours later....
Today we had training for eight hours starting at twelve and since it was eight o'clock I had three hours until I would leave and find a place for my sister to stay at and be safe. Two hours later I started to pack my duffle bag. Combat boots, check, clothes, check, hat, check, hoodie, check. My bag was packed and hour early so I laid on my cot, I called my bed, and drifted off to sleep.
Running. Running is something Artemis and I have done our whole lives. And right now that is what I was in the process of doing. The reason why you ask. Well, my father was mad again. The reason why was simply, crime. I hadn't completed his mission correctly and I quote 'If you can't be a good criminal get your worthless face out of this house!' As if right now my father was trying to catch me, so he could 'teach' me another lesson. My dad caught my wrist as I ran by. "Please dad?" I whimpered I mean what else could a five year old do?
I woke up drenched is sweat, but quickly got up and erased that dream from my mind.
"Bye Artemis." I whisper to my eight year old sister that was cuddling her bear, she had previously named 'Barry Bearington', sleeping peacefully, which almost never occurred. Of course I hadn't told her the plan about me finding a better place for her to stay.

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