Chapter One - And So It Begins

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Who is this girl. She keeps popping up at all these events. Always in a run not paying attention to where she places her feet. Not that she looks particularly clumsy. Not at all. Somehow she makes all her trips and falls look like dance moves. She just seems to always have a band aid around one of her fingers and never looks in front of her nose. Always three steps ahead. Her style is also ever changing, except for the band aid of course. At our MV shoot she looked dressed up, that's why I can't tell her age. Yet last week she was dressed down in a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a flannel around her waist. Either styles looked great on her.

The members have been teasing me but I can't help to single her out at every event. After spotting her once it instantly became a hobby. At first it was just something to do at these never ending events. Almost like find 5 wrongs you know. She was always there bossing around people always in a hurry. Always the same. Slowly I start noticing details with her. That when she gets really angry she starts speaking english really quickly. Thanks to her I've been studying english harder than ever. Endless times Joshua been irritated with me nagging him to please teach me more. You can easily tell she's a foreigner but I don't even mind anymore. Everything about her seems to drawn me in more. What I have been able to tell she speaks fluently in Korean. I wonder how and why she bothered to learn. I wonder why she is here. These questions keeps me up at night.

Like expected she's here again today. This time choosing a much more dressed up look, lately I've been starting to prefer this side of her. A pair of dress pants and a tank top. She plays between dressy and relaxed. But today she's wearing glasses. It rarely happens but sometimes. These are the same pair so I assume she has an eye problem. Just as I'm study her, she spins around and meet my eyes. Fire. That's how I would describe them. So determinated. She hold my eyes tightly and I can't take it and look down.

When I look up she's in front of me. I haven't been this close to her before. She's a little bit shorter than me. But she's wearing heals. The smell. Her smell. It's sweet but it doesn't knock you out. She smells of flowers, not roses but some other flower. In my head I'm debating over why she's there. Here in front of me. Why is she?

"Hi, You're S. Coups right, Leader of seventeen?" She asks and looks over my shoulder. Words can't be formed in my mouth so I just nod. "Can you gather them around, rehearsals starts in a few minutes" And with that she is gone again. I watch after her. Walking quickly in a nice pair of heals. Before even reflecting it I'm following her orders. The members complain loudly and claim I'm rougher then usual. This was my first order from her, I was going to do it properly. By accident I almost snap at one of our managers.

Well on the stage I realize, to late if you ask me, that she will be watching. She stands with our two mangers on sight. They talk between each other and I even see her laugh. It's a beautiful sight. It was then I found out about her dimple. I almost fell of the stage right then and there. Truthfully I slipped. Not due to the beautiful woman in front of me but due to the heavy rain. Of course only Jeonghan comes over asking if I'm alright the rest betrayers laugh at me. Instead of looking concerned and rushing to my side like she would in my dreams the girl looks down onto her notebook and looks above us. I look up too wondering what she's thinking. Without finding anything in particular I look back at her. Now she's writing onto a almost trashed notebook. Why didn't she buy a new one?

We are rushed off the stage and I can see her rushed away as well talking quickly to some other co workers. What was she talking about. Why was she upset? Had she been watching me too? One thing is clear. I won't be getting the notice off why she stormed off. the managers have a meeting with us and I can't seem to be able to focus on what they are saying. Instead my thoughts are with her. Where ever she is now at.

"S.coups! They are talking about your girl" Hoshi nudge me and suddenly I'm well aware of what they are talking about. "The arranger is worried you might slip again and insisted we would inform you about how slippery the stage is and will be, they are working hard on getting it dry enough for you-" they keep on speaking about how they too are worried but again I lose interest. She's worried about me. That's why she stormed off. Of course she has a lot of work. This is her work place I can never forget that. It was silly of me to get this upset.

The rest of the day I can see her from time to time. Walkie-talkie in her right hand tightly gripped pressed to her lips and her ripped notebook in the other. She runs around speaking to all of the personel very professional as usual. An hour later she's running past our quater again she's as expected focused on the road ahead and doesn't notice me standing there looking at her like the fool I am. Just then she drops it.

I pick it up and reach it out ready to give it back to her. But she's already gone. Probably half way across the arena already. I look down at the notebook. It's light blue and rigid. It's a miracle it still hold together yet it does. Slowly I open it almost expecting her to pop up in front of me. Sadly no such thing happens. It's just me and the group. Now that I know that she isn't around I open it confidently. "It's just so I can return it" I mumble to myself. But there is no name to be found. I start to turn the pages more quickly. No name?

"Who doesn't mark their things!?" I shout annoyed and all the boys turn around. Goodness how am I supposed to return this. Slowly this warm feeling spreads though and I touch the note books back. At least I have something that is hers.

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