WHENEVER YOU REMEMBER... <3 (a justin bieber love story.)

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-8 years ago-

Adilene's POV:

Adilene:(Giggles) Justin.... Stop

Justin:"Make me,"

Adilene:"I don't like it when I can't see," (tries to take his hands from her eyes)

Justin:"I'm stronger remember?"

Adilene:(Sighs) "I guess, but where are you taking me?"

Justin:"Just wait,"


Justin:"Shhh," (Uncovers her eyes) "look,"

Adilene:(squeals) "Justin! How did you get up here?"

Justin:"I have my ways," (Smiles sexily)

Adilene"Justin, it's beautiful," 

Justin:"Just like you, " (Looks in her eyes)

Adilene:(Looks into his eyes)

Justin:(Leans in an kisses her lips)


Justin and Adilene:(Pulls away and wipes there mouth) Eww.

(They both laugh)

Justin:"Let's not tell anyone we did that okay?"

Adilene:"Okay, " (Smiles)

Justin:"Adilene, one day, you will be mine, and I will be yours and we will live happily every after."


Justin:"I promise. I will never, ever, ever forget you. I will always remember you,"


So yeah, Justin and I kissed about 8 years ago when we were 8. Now, I have no clue where he is today. So you wanna here the story? Well get a snuggie, slippers, and some hot chocolate, because this one is long.

"So, it started eight years ago when Justin and I were eight. Our moms were best friends. I mean like best friends. They went and did everything together. When Justin and I first met, we hated each other and well that was what everybody believed. But in my head, Justin and I were happy together. He liked me, I liked him, but we didn't tell anybody and one day, we were going to get married. We were best friends, but Justin didn't want anybody to know. So we kept it a secret. We hung out secretly you know. But I think our moms new we liked each other. They aren't dumb. Anyway, there wasn't a day when me and Justin weren't together. Even if we were with his friends, he acted like he hated me and I acted like I hated him. After words, we were best friends again. I know what your thinking, " It didn't bother you when he acted like that?" Well, it did, but I liked Justin to much to let him go. "You can't really like someone when you are eight?" Yes you can person thinking that shush it. Have you ever had a kindergarten kiss? I liked Justin, a lot. And there was nothing that changed my feelings toward him. Justin and I weren't technically dating, cause I didn't know he felt the same way, so I was always scared to ask him. Well, the last time I saw Justin, was the night Justin and I kissed. He took me to this quiet, place in the garden and he kissed me. I liked it, I wish it never ended. But Justin didn't know I liked him, so I said ew. That same night Justin told me that we were going to be together one day, and we will never forget me. Yeah, well I think he did. I am 16 now, and I haven't seen Justin since. Yeah, Justin moved to Atlanta when we were 13. He got a contract deal and is now the big Justin Bieber. Wanna know what else? He forgot me. You know how I know? He has a girlfriend named Candy. One there other hand I love his music. But not the point. The point is Justin told me I was going to be his one day, he was never going to forget me, and he will always remember me, but he broke that promise. Whenever he remembers........♥

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2011 ⏰

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