Chapter 1

10 1 2

Crap crap crap crap crap! The assignment is due in 2 hours! Oh why did I procrastinate? Why don't I learn from my past mistakes? Why did I choose industrial engineering as my major? Maybe my Asian genes will help me power through these Calculus problems in time. Hah, what am I saying... 

As I'm contemplating about my decisions in life, my phone screen suddenly lights up with a picture of my best friend, Tam. I've known her since Elementary but we didn't really click until high school came around when we ended up in the tennis team together and were forced to play together. I'm glad that happened because I wouldn't know what to do with my life if I haven't met her. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but still. 

"TAM!" I said with a desperate voice after picking up the call. 

"What the...what's wrong?" 


"That's your own damn fault. You should have done it yesterday or whatever. Now I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out, but I guess not since you're busy apparently." 

"You suck. I wanted you to comfort me and say everything is okay and that I will finish the assignment in time." 


"You're gross. But anyways, why did you want to hang out anyways? It's like almost midnight. Unless you're trying to trick me into going with you to one of those frat parties."

"No...maybe. Okay, yeah." 

I sighed. 

Unlike me, Tam is a party animal. She likes to go out, drink, and socialize. Whereas, I like to stay home and do my own thing either alone, with friends, or a small group of friends. But the clash in our personalities is what makes our friendship so special and balanced. I guess you could say we negate each other in a way that somehow works out. 

"Come on Jenny! Finish your homework and come with me! Ana is going to be there!" 

"NO! Stop using her against me! I'm not going to go out of my way for a crush. I'm just not that type of person. Also, I can't just simply finish my homework. The material we're learning at the moment is too difficult for me to just quickly finish it. In fact, I should just stop talking to you right now so I can finish it." 


"Shut up." 

Before continuing, maybe I should explain who Ana is. Ana is my high school crush and still is even as we entered the university. Funny enough we ended up in the same school, how 'bout that? Unfortunately, I didn't have the guts to approach her in high school, and I still don't. I mean, we talked a few times but only because we had to, for like an assignment or something. Basically, the crush just developed from my observations of her. So I don't think it's that serious but crushes and feelings are strange things. I say that because I still have a crush on her even though I told myself its not that serious. But it's whatever. It is what it is. 

Anyways, I ended up hanging up on Tam after the nth time that she begged me to go and quickly, or at least tried, to finish my homework.  

" you have to take the derivative of that and..." 

After what seemed like forever, I finally finished my homework and submitted it minutes from the deadline. I was quite amazed that I was able to finish it in record time. Although, I fear that I got some of them wrong but whatever. I did my best with the time I had. 

Sighing after turning in my assignment, I turn to look at the clock. 

"11:57 pm" I whispered quietly. 

Moments past until...

"UGH FINE!" I groan and begin to call Tam back. 


"Tam, I'm already regretting my decision. Is it too late to revoke?" I said looking at the frat house full of mostly drunk students and blasting with loud music. 

"Yes." Then she begins to drag me inside. 

"WAIT! I can't go in. I didn't shave. I look like a rambutan." 

"A ram-...What even...everyone is hairy, its okay!" as she continues to drag me. 



"Okay..." I was defeated. 

Entering the house, I truly regretted my decision. Drunk people were everywhere, the music is way too loud, people are unnecessarily making out in the sides or on the floor and...I lost my train of thought when I saw Ana. 

"Hey Jenny look! There's Ana. This is your chance to talk to her and if you f**k it up, you can blame it on alcohol and it'll become an ice breaking story or an excuse to talk to her about your f**k up!" she said half seriously and half jokingly. 

"Uh but I don't drink." 

"You can lie." 

"No and no. I'm not the type to approach people like that. I can't do it. I won't do it. I will not do it." 

"Fine. I won't force you but at least try to enjoy the party."

"I'll try." 

I always try. I always end up regretting it but I go anyways because I'm always worried that I'll miss out on something or I'm not experiencing the full college/uni experience. But mostly because I'm worried about Tam and I really don't want anything to happen to her because she tends to drink a lot. However, tonight Ana is at the party so that's currently a factor as well. 

I sighed, grabbed a bottle of water, and adjusted myself to an uncomfortable and crowded couch while not caring and paying attention to my surroundings.

"'re Jenny right? We went to high school together."

I sat there frozen stiff as the angelic voice that came from the person sitting next to me went in and out of my head. I looked over and there was Ana sitting next to me.

"Oh my G- I mean yeah! I am and yeah we did!" I laughed awkwardly and tried to play it off. Good job Jenny that was real smooth. 

"I knew I recognized you from somewhere! What are the chances that we see each other again? What a small world! How are you?" 

"Yeah I agree haha...and uh I'm good! How about you?" 

"Same! Its been fun so far. But like stressful too but in a balancing way! You get what I mean?" 

"Yeah! Totally."

I can't believe I'm actually holding a conversation , even though its small talk, with Ana and that she remembers me! I feel like I'm going to choke though and let awkward silence sit even in this loud environment. No! I can't give up. This is fate! CHANCE!

"Oh hey I have to leave soon. Sorry to cut this conversation short. We didn't really get to talk much at all other than greeting each other. So I think we should catch up on things and get to know each other!" 

"Oh sure! That'll be great!" 

My head is spinning. I am so happy right now. I've never let a crush affect me so much before. Maybe it's because I've never really interacted with them before. Oh well, I'll just enjoy it. 

We exchange phone numbers and that was all I could think about all night. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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