Chapter One

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"Books are a uniquely portable magic." -Stephen King

Chapter One

April, 1846

Surrey, England


"Don't you dare, Simon!"

The seven year-old had taken liberty to climb the sixty-five foot English Oak tree in the backyard of the Dawson Estate. To frighten his protective older sister, Simon decided to grab a branch and hang upside down. Rachel, only two years his senior, was frightened to death at the sight and had taken the responsibility of shouting at Simon as he dangled. Simon simply laughed at her. His favorite source of entertainment is always at Rachel's expense.

Meanwhile, Rachel and Simon's two younger siblings were running around with a kite. Thomas was showing Leah how to fly it, but she soon grew impatient and began to run around with it.

Their parents didn't believe they needed a nanny. They were well tempered children, for the most part, and played well together. However, they didn't see their children at times like these.

"What on earth is happening here?" Sarah Greene shouted at her nephews and nieces.

Rachel immediately ran to tattle on her brother, "Aunt Sarah! Simon is up in the tree!" Sarah looked up at the tree in mortification.

"Simon! Get down here this instant!" she yelled at her nephew.

"I tried to get him down, Aunt Sarah. He just won't listen" she said with a superior tone. Sarah frowned and went back into the house.

Simon took this as a sign of his Aunt Sarah's defeat and continued to laugh in amusement at his sister's current red face. Rachel, instead of leaving in defeat, walked up to the tree and started throwing sticks up at her little brother in anger. Simon dodged them easily.

Sarah returned, and this time she held something in her hands. The item was a letter belonging to Simon, written by the famous boxer, William "Bendigo" Thompson. Simon idolized Bendigo and after being named champion once again last summer, Simon wrote to the boxer. Everyone was happily surprised when a letter came for Simon written by Bendigo himself. Simon cherished the letter that his Aunt held threateningly in her hands.

Sarah walked closer to the tree and looked up at her nephew with a serious expression. His blue eyes widened in fear of what she would do to the precious letter. Sarah said nothing as she held the letter out in front of her and slowly began to rip the paper. Simon let out a little scream and protested. Sarah simply raised an eyebrow at him. The seven year-old begrudgingly descended down from the branches of the tree. Once he landed on the ground he pouted up at his Aunt.

"You're no fun Aunt Sarah!" he whined.

Sarah gave him a stern look, "No Simon, you cannot put yourself in danger all of the time. It's not funny and look at your poor sister!" as she said this she pointed towards her niece who had a sulky expression and crossed arms.

Sarah continued, "Now, you will apologize to your sister and to me or you will never get this letter back," as she held the letter and waved in front of his face for emphasis.

Simon huffed and turned to his older sister. Walking up to her, he wrapped his arms around her in a quick embrace and mumbled an apology, to which Rachel scoffed and turned the other direction.

"Simon," Sarah warned. Groaning slightly, the blond boy went up to Rachel once again.

"Rachel, I'm really sorry for scaring you." He said in an uncertain voice. He then looked over to his aunt as if looking for approval and she nodded to her niece.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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