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I have a lot of this story written already, the sad thing is it's all in a note book so copying it to Wattpad is going to be a slight pain, so I probably won't update this for a while.

Off the subject of this book and to the subject of the others, I haven't been on wattpad and have not updated anything for a long time (a few months) and I'm vary sorry about that. I have more The Shadow is The Light I could update but I don't feel like it at this point because I'm tired and need to sleep but I needed to tell y'all this. I have not updated Me, Loki, and The Potato for a few reason I'll explain more about all the crap and delay in announcements I'm going to "update" in those stories.

Back to the subject of this story, I need a good cover for it, and I'm not completely sure what I want, the other dilemma on that is I haven't figured out a title for this story yet, once I have figured it out if I still need a cover photo I'll tell y'all.

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