Chapter 1: My life

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Hi my name is Alexandrea Nichole Gelatto, but I go by Alex. I have long blond hair, blue eyes, kinda skinny, I'm 5'5, and Im 16 years old and live in Nevada. I have a boyfriend named Todd McEvily. He's 17 years old. My best friend's name is Elise Julivard, she's also 16.

When I was around 3, my mom and dad got divorced, so I moved around a lot with her. I was born in Oregon, then when I was 2 years old I moved to Nebraska. Then when I was 5 years old, I moved to Washington. When I was 9 I moved to Hawaii. When i was 13 years old I ended up moving with my Dad, Mike Gelatto.

I moved in with my dad, because my mom had passed away from a drug overdose, but I don't like to talk about her. My dad hasn't seen me since I was 3 years old, because my mom got a restraining order against my dad. When she passed he finally got to see me. It turned out that he wasn't a bad guy like she said.

Alex P.O.V.
I love school why does it have to be the last day? They should give us only a week of summer vacation. "Come on Alex it's summer vacation put you're books down!" Elise said. Todd said, "Hey babe you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna go to a party tonight and you're gonna bring a bathing suit because of your nice body."

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