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It was another boring day in Sassyland and the members of My Chemical Romance had nothing to do at all so their lazy butts were at home, doing whatever they pleased. Frank Iero was secretly watching Gerard  twerk to Iron Maiden, why? He didn't know. All he cared about was that Gerard's booty was freaking God. Oh he wanted to tap that booty all right and he will do anything to get it. I'm getting that booty tonight, he thought as he drifted off into la la land. "OH GERARD GET UR HOT BOOTY OVER HERE" Gerard sassily walked over to Frank, swaying dem hips. "Frank..." Frank firmly put his hands on Gerard's fabulous booty and squeezed them bunz. "Gerard-"  His dream was cut off by Mikey and Ray running thru de room, Ray's precious fro fro in Mikey's hand. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING PRINCESS SPARKLES" Mikey was acting like a maniac, obsessed with unicorns. "For PETE WENTZ'S SAKE GROW UP U FARTBALL!!" Gerard being the sassy lil donut he is, grabbed Ray's fro and a pair of sunglasses and put them on. "OH IM MUC MOR FAB THAN U LOSERZ IM A BUTT GOD MHMMM
IM TOO GAY AND FAB FOR THIS DONKEY CRAP MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEEN!!!!!" And let's just say that's how MCR really broke up. The sass was too much )clutches heart dramatically)
A/N: This wasn't really good for my first fanfic. I'm not really good at humor. THAT LAST PART WASN'T MEANT TO OFFEND ANYONE IM SORRY! Also I promise I'll try to make better fanfics for you guys :) I made this because I felt like it and I was bored. TASTE THE RAINBOW (disappears in a poof of glitter)

De booty (MCR Crack fic)Where stories live. Discover now