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~ Write a scene in which the character saves someone's life. ~

I woke up with my arms hanging above my head, tied to the ceiling of a dark room. Oddly enough, this was a normal experience for me.

No, I was not a BDSM artist, nor was I a stunt woman. I was just a regular high schooler.

(Regular being a relative term.)

You see, I was what you might call a damsel in distress. Not by choice, mind you, but by circumstance. If I had it my way, I'd be at home with no connection whatsoever to Capital City's favorite hero, White Knight.

White Knight was the reason I was hanging up here, and part of the reason I couldn't live a normal life. You see, super villains and superheroes didn't really like each other that much. And, to get back at the hero for every trying to arrest them, the villain usually tries to hurt someone close to the hero. And, for White Lightning, that meant me.

I've been kidnapped, hogtied, thrown off of buildings, and poisoned more times than I could count. And I've been saved, released, rescued, and recovered just as many times.

At this point I was surprised that the media hadn't gotten tired of me, or of White Knight always having to save me form some villain or another. I for one was sick of it, was no one else?

Being tied up for long periods of time hurt. I'm pretty sure I still had rope burns from the last time Black Knight kidnapped me. At least that time he had the curtesy to tie me to a chair instead of hanging me from the ceiling above a shark tank.

Yeah, that was a new one.

I wondered for a moment if Black Knight had tried to install laser eyes into the sharks. He was already crazy, so I wouldn't put it past him.

I let out a big sigh and Black Knight turned around from his stance in the front of the room. He grinned widely, but his scarred face made it look more like a grimace. "Miss Watson, how lovely to see that you're awake."

I blew a piece of hair out of my face and gave him the most condescending look I could muster. "You might as well call me April, Black Knight." I reasoned. "I mean - it's not like we haven't been in these kinds of positions before."

He grinned wider and I flinched. He did really look horrifying when he did that.

"Aren't you right, Miss Watson? We've had such fun together over the years, haven't we?"

"Yes," I deadpanned, "I've had such fun being tied to subway tracks and almost drowning in a tanks of water."

He chuckled. "I believe you have, Miss Watson."

Did I mention that he was a bit off of his rocker?

Black Knight was his super villain name, though it was very ironic because White Knight and he were sworn enemies. Whenever I ask who came first, they both claim it was themselves and that the other one is the copier.

His real name was Anakin McPhail (I kid you not, I'm not lying), and he didn't make it a public thing, for obvious reasons. His father was Lex McPhail, better known as Doctor Destruction, legendary nemesis to my father, Captain Fantastic.

Now, let me stop there, just in case you're confused.

Yes, my dad is a super famous superhero.

Yes, I was just kidnapped by the son of my dad's arch nemesis.

And, no, I did not have super powers.

(I mean - just because my dad is the Captain Fantastic doesn't mean I have to follow in his footsteps and be a crime fighting badass. I do just fine on my own, thank you very much.)

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