Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


    Today was the day, today was the reaping.

    I awoke to the morning breeze lapping against my cheeks. My hair was being sent in awkward directions by the breeze.

    I looked at my sister, twin sister to be exact. We looked nothing alike, though. She was tall, but I was short. She had black hair, my hair was bleach blonde. She had dark grey eyes, I had bright blue eyes. She fit in with everyone, I was an outcast. She had dark skin, I had very pale skin.

She was still sleeping, peacefully. I lazily tossed my legs over the side of my bed, groggily staring at the ground.

After a moment, or so, I stood. I staggered my way over to the small closet where our clothes sat. I grabbed my deep brown top and loose black shorts, grabbing my combat boots. I threw the night gown I had on off, tossing it aside.

I slipped my clothes on and snuck out. It was very early in the morning. I grabbed my small hair bands and put two long braids in my hair. I flung myself through my town, sprinting to a hole in the fence that I could slip under.

    I threw myself to the ground and basically slithered through the hole. I stood once on the other side. I looked at some daisies that were in the area. They were pretty, I need to pick them for Ren. She would love these.

My hands gripped onto the stems of a patch of wild daisies, pulling them from the ground. I made them to where they could stick out of my pocket. I went to a tree and climbed it, my weapon was sitting on a high up branch.

My fingers brushed gently against some leaves. It was a wonderful feeling, I ran my soft hands over the daggers, swallow sword, and bow and arrows. I pulled them out of their hiding place and went to, what I call, the Circle of Life.

Look, a stag! I pull my bow out and set the arrow on the notch. I pull my arm back, the string of my bow following.

I released, watching as the stag's eye was penetrated. I took my game, but prayed for forgiveness, before shooting some more animals. I prayed every time.

Soon, I stopped hunting, knowing I wouldn't be able to carry my game if I did. I picked berries from a bush that was a little bit away from my spot and left.

I slid back under the fence and went to the market area, finding a women at a stand for selling some oranges and other foods and herbs.

I knew her. I walked to her stand, "Hello, Marianna, how are you?"

She looked at me, giving me a small smile before replying, "Very well, Clover-Meadow, very well. This time may I have your deer and a rabbit? I have something to give to you to make up for the deer!"

I handed her the deer and rabbit, laying it on an empty spot.

She turned away for a moment.

She turned back with a pin and two necklaces. I took a look at the pin, a Mockingjay.

"Marianna, this was Katniss Everdeen's," I exclaimed. She nodded smiling.

"You could be the next Mockingjay," she whispered, nodding at me. She put it in my hand and put the necklaces on my hand, too. I smiled thanking her and walked away.

As soon as I got home, I went to look at what my Mom had set out for me.

    It was a light blue dress that fell down to my knees. The ruffles were so pretty, they would perfectly hide the pin. The shoes were pitch black and there was a tiny bows on them.

     I was in the 15-year-old pen with Ren, as Truffle Kotio,our escort, bounced out on stage. She did the lame speech about the dark days and how we would never grasp freedom from the games. No one listened after the first year.

"This is the twist for this years Quarter Quell; instead of 24 Victors, there will be 24 Victors and 24 others going into the arena! Let's get started," she exclaimed as everyone cried or shook in fear.

    "As always, may the odds be ever in your favor," she giggled in her weird Capitol accent. "Ladies first!"

      Her hand wriggled around in the girls bowl and everyone held their breath. She said into the microphone, "Ren Briar-Rose!"

     I gasped and watched as peacekeepers dragged her.

     "I Volunteer as tribute! Don't hurt her," I yelled. I walked to the stage slowly. Ren was dragged back to our pen as I was climbing the stairs shakily.

      "Ooh, a Volunteer! How wonderful," Truffle said in interest. "What's your name young one, what's your relation with Ren?"

      I took a deep breath and said unto the microphone, "I'm Clover-Meadow Briar-Rose, we are twin sisters."

     Everyone in District 11 did the Mockingjay call and pressed three fingers to their lips, raising them into the air.

     "Now for the boys," exclaimed Truffle as peacekeepers murdered some people. "Elijah Protons!"

     A boy with black hair and hazelnut eyes joined me on the stage. He was as pale as I am!

    "I'm Eli, nice to meet you," he said to me politely, sticking a hand out.

     "I go by Clove or Meadow, pleasure to be tribute next to you," I replied politely. He smiled as I took his hand.

       He raised our arms into the air, I smiled seeing as he knew it was rebellious. Did you know that District 11 became the Rebel District after Katniss and Peeta left?

      "We're not going to die, Clove, we're going to be in the stars if we go in flames," he whispers to me.
      "Only one thing, Eli, we can beat fire with water," I replied, "and we're the water."

      We looked at each other, smiling. We had a chance. That's all we needed.

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