◇ ♡ Request Page (Open) ♡ ◇

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hello, everyone! i am the author, chiyoko or chi. ^^ i hope you will like my writings! you can tell me if they is anything wrong or if there's anything i can fix, just be polite about it, please.

now onto the actual request part!

× i will only accept requests if they are commented on this page or pmed to me. exceptions for the first few weeks or so..?

× i accept fluffs, angsts, AUs, headcannons, scenarios, love triangles/love squares, yandere (i haven't done that before.. >\\\\<), tsundere... but i do not accept lemons/smuts or limes.

× please tell me if it's gender neutral, female reader, or male reader (i'm not very good at male readers, though.. i've never written one, to be honest ><;)

× only two requests per person. until i finish at least one request, you are able to request again.

× please be patient with how long it takes to get some of these out. i do sometimes have things that pop out of the blue. so if your request isn't published by expected, please wait. i will try to get them out as soon as i can.

× if you have a prompt, don't be afraid to tell me what it is! prompts are sometimes easier to write from, but you don't always have to put one!

× please do tell me if you want the request anonymous or not! if you do not tell me, i will have to assume that you do not want it anonymous.

× if you want the one-shot dedicated to someone, i am more than happy to dedicate it. but please do not over-do it. i can even put in a small message, but again, please do not over-do it

now, i just want to give a shout-out to some authors for inspiring to make my own kousuke x reader book. you can either press the link to their profile or go onto mine and look for the reading list "Kousuke Bæ". the choice is yours. while you're at it, why don't you give them a follow, too? so make sure to read their amazing stories! i just wanted to thank them (^~^)

Volleyball Love - kawaii_mochi_chan

Happy Moments - chocopanda16

Kousuke Asuma x Reader - pastelprincxess

then another quick shout-out to my friend, newttsux, also known as the Trash Queen. she encouraged me to write a kousuke x reader! go give her a follow as well!

one-shots will be coming out soon!

- chi (^∇^)

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