Taste Test

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"Hmmm lets see, vegetables, fruit etc." you sighed. You were a cook for the infamous Heart pirates, with the heartless Trafalgar Law leading them. (A/N how ironic XD!)

"I wonder what I can do to spice up dinner a bit, I think Captain and the crew might be getting tired of the same old stuff every now and then..." You blushed a bit when you thought of your Captain. "I need to get him out my mind..." You mumbled to yourself.

You always thought about getting a crush and getting married one day but the one person you found yourself attracted to was your Captain. You knew that it was hopeless but nevertheless, you carried on loving him and fighting alongside him.

As you were shopping, you smelt freshly baked bread wafting past your nose. You pressed your hands and face up to the display window and looked in. In the little shop was the most brilliant display of cakes but what was even better was the bread. Yes bread.

"Ehhh the last time I ate bread was a few months ago... I kinda miss it..." You thought. If only you could bring some aboard the submarine and eat a sandwich. Then a brilliant thought popped into your head. You giggled to yourself as you thought up of a plan which would most definitely take away some boredom from your life. Still giggling, you went inside the shop to buy the ingredients.

~Time skip brought to you by a sexy Law~

You hurried back to the submarine towing back 5 big crates of food (you're quite strong), but hidden in one of the crates was a small loaf of bread. In the submarine, everyone was there apart from your beloved Captain.

"So what's for dinner tonight (y/n)?" Shachi asked you. "I don't know yet but I have a little surprise waiting for the Captain" you winked.

Shachi and Penguin blushed as their imagination went wild. You then joined them blushing when you realised what you had said sounded quite dirty. Of course Jean Bart just ignored it and Bepo was wondering what you had meant.

"I-I-I didn't mean it like that" you stammered while blushing. "Then what did you mean by that?!" Shack and Penguin asked. LWell..." You started "I was planning to do this to the captain..." And slowly you told everyone your plan.

"Best. Plan. Ever (y/n)-chan!!" Penguin and Shachi exclaimed. Even Jean Bart seemed to smile.

~time skip brought to you by a cuddly Bepo~

"Phew, I'm done" you exclaimed while wiping sweat off your brow. After one hour of cooking, your little 'snacks' were done. "Now all I have to do is wait for my beloved Captain-San~" you squealed in delight. "Did someone call me?" Law asked as he poked his head the light the kitchen door. You jumped in surprise as you haven't expected him to come so soon.

"I-I did Captain" you said, stuttering a bit. "Being called Captain by everyone on the ship starts to get boring after a while. How about you call me by my proper name for a change?" He smirked as you started to blush a little bit.

"Law..." You quietly whispered, trying out his name. Shivers went down his spine as you said it as his name rolled off your tongue perfectly.

Anyway, what do you need me for (y/n)ya?" Law asked. "Well I was going to ask if I could experiment some new foods on you and then you would have to try and guess what I'm feeding you" you grinned. "Sure," Law replied.

You grabbed a chair and told him to sit down on it while you grabbed a blindfold and a pair of handcuffs because you knew this would end badly. Laws' face heated up a little when he saw the items you had in your hand but he quickly brushed it off.
"Blindfolds and handcuffs, kinky huh?" He said, smirking. Your face went bright red but you managed to stutter out

I-I-it's just in case you try and run away while you eat Cap- I mean um Law" you said. "Why would I run away (y/n)-ya?" Law asked. "I dunno, you tell me," you grinned.

You swiftly put the blindfold on him and handcuffed his hands behind the chair. "Ok I'm going to feed you the first item now!" You placed a perfectly seasoned and grilled piece of meat in his mouth and blushed a bit while he chewed thoughtfully. 'He looks really cute when he is eating...' But your thoughts were cut off when he started speaking.

"Is it Salisbury steak?" He asked.
"Yup!" You beamed. He seemed to like it.

~Timeskip bought to you by a hungry Shachi because I'm too lazy to do the rest of it~

"Okay last item Law!" You exclaimed. You had gotten used to saying his name now but it still felt weird for you to call your captain that. Making sure he wasn't peaking, you quietly opened the cupboard and took out a sandwich.

Yes that's right, a sandwich with thickly sliced bread.

You grinned as you placed a big chunk of it on a fork and fed it to him.
"Hmmmmm. Wait, (y/n)-ya..." He muttered. "Yes Law?" You said while slowly backing away. "Why the hell do I taste bread?!" He asked, a slight murderous aura was surrounding him.

"Bread? What bread? I didn't put any bread in there... Hehe..." You knew your acting was hopeless when he spat the bread out and started to try and free himself. 'I'm so glad I put the handcuffs on him to slow him down slightly or else I would be dead meat!' you sweat-dropped.

"Room; Shambles" Law had switched out the handcuffs for the salt shaker. Without hesitating, you can towards the door. "SHACHI, PENGUIN HELP MEEEE!!" You screamed.

"Room, Tact"

A series of random objects flew towards you and you narrowly dodged them.
"Come back here (y/n)"
"No way in hell!!"
"SERIOUSLY GUYS HELP ME OUT HERE HE IS LITERALLY TRYING TO KILL ME!!" You yelled as a chopping board flew past your head.

You finally found them.

"So how did it go (y/n)?" Penguin asked. "It didn't go ok at all!! I mean seriously, Law is literally about to murder me!!" You cried.

Penguin and Shachi raised their eyebrows at the change in name but then gulped as they spotted a slightly pissed off Captain following you.
"Save me please..." You begged. They took one look at their Captain, Kikoku at the ready.

"(Y/n)... We'll make sure to prepare a coffin for you!" Penguin offered. Shachi nodded and then they both ran off leaving you with Law. "Thank you so much guys" you muttered.

"Soooo... What now Law?" You smiled nervously at him. He smirks before striding towards you. He leans towards your ear and whispers huskily, "now it's time for your 'punishment'."

Oh boy were you right about this experiment taking away some boredom from your life.

Taste Test (Law X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن