ChapterOne: Discovery

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I think of hope hidden somewhere deep in the mild galaxy.
I dream of a star so bright, heavenly, all life derives from it.
With every ray of light wisdom befalls the mighty.
Then darkness and despair perished when love was born.
And mercy committed murder and against delay its anger was unleashed.
Malice engulfed and in sin the evil thoughts rejoiced.
But with a great hunger salvation consumed.
It's mother had called, her name Love.
Not good looks nor physically fit, but in heart pure and understanding.
Her wrath swept off hate and in victory a flag of friendship was raised.
Then the skies with the ground found romance and they kissed.
Rain dropped life and harvest knocked on our doors.
Then hunger vanished and out of her a child was born.
Up to this day his name forgotten.
And his fate altered.
At the time I was present and out of the whispers of the wind I heard rumours.
The wind spread wide and in hasty steps reached destiny.
Then destiny announced him.
His name Thanksgiving.
Lifted high in the heavens greatness came upon the earth.
And God Himself blessed his name and accepted him as a gift.
Then he laughed and happiness befell his friends.
If only he were my friend, sorrow would automatically let go.
And everyday I would sing in praise and thanksgiving.

I dreamt of a woman beautiful in appearance and attractive to the eye.
But her heart dark and her deeds wicked.
Like a stenchful sewer repulsed.
And in wicked lust her claws consumed, with great wrath her claws tore apart innocence.
Blood was shed but none fell dead.
A crowd rose and in pleasure praised and worshipped her worthless name.
They ate and drunk and through the feast they planted a seed.
With wine they watered and in lust they fed all along praising her.
And in a common agreement they brought her a man, and she gave herself to him.
And in thanksgiving she let them all in.
They rejoiced in her and slowly she consumed them piece by piece until their flesh no longer had a will.
Her will became theirs and on her back was the name of death.
The wicked blessed her and the unfaithful fed her.
Then they named her and her name they called Immoral.
And all of her children got a family name.
Immorality they spread and in pride rejoiced.
But then a great wave swept and all that worshipped her fell alongside her.
Their bones and her bones the wild dogs licked.
They perished, consumed by what they liked.

Out of love came trust.
Out of Grief was shed tears.
Out of lust was born sex.
Out of sex came pleasure.
And pleasure devoured them in the name of a good time.
And so I warn,
Whenever a battle is won;
Know that someone paid a prize.

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