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        In the beginning Odd and Emily went into the forbidden forest to help Luna find her necklace that was stolen by and is suppose to repel nargles magical creature she swears is real. Emily said she saw the nargles trade away it to the centaurs. How I do not know so don't ask me! We went into the forest further and was met by a strange house elf named Syl whom is friends with Emily as she helped him/her get free.
       Syl is a cheeky house elf always making ambiguous jokes. Emily and Luna fight quite a bit due to differences in personality. Emily a strong headed, short tempered, empathetic and over analyzing Hufflepuff (Yeah I know how did she get into Hufflepuff again?). One thing to note is that Emily is really hungry like ALMOST all the time and well Odd is just always hungry in general. So he always carries a Payday on him and lucky for Emily a Snickers which he willingly gives her. While Luna is a ditzy, absent minded, carefree person. Those personalities clash a lot and so do they.
       Odd likes to scout ahead while they argue to quicken things and appears when he's content with his results. Odd also likes to run forcing them to follow sometimes and this time they ended up at a river so he froze it with the Glacia spell. Emily had not seeing this ran onto it and slipped falling hard. Oops my bad! She yells at him for it and he just rolls it off his shoulder with his laid back attitude. Just when he was about to go scout again the bushes began to shake. Emily being the first to approach it with Odd following her and soon going farther than her. Just then out of nowhere Ginny and Hermione pop out of behind the bush after several long tense minutes.
      The two groups quickly realize who they are and join together when out of nowhere Professor Snape appears (I know right how can one heart handle this many "out of nowheres."). The students were all relieved when none of them received a detention from him. (Phew!! I know right so unrealistic!) Syl hid behind Hermione for protection the whole time. Anyway the group continues when Odd runs ahead again after Snape left.          
      After a minute or two they stumble upon a row of Centaurs across from them almost seemingly out of nowhere (Yes I know how hasn't my heart given out yet). Their first thought was to negotiate for the necklace but they soon realized how foolish their idea was. When the Centaurs drew their bows. Just then at that moment Odd spotted the one with the necklace who was hiding behind the big row of centaurs. (Oh my indeed... assuming you just said Oh my their. If not Ignore Me!!!!) The group was discouraged only a bit but quickly overcame it when the centaurs charged.
      Odd, Emily, and Hermione jumped to action using spells such as Stupefy, Rictasempra, Sectumspempra, Protego (ect ect you know, you get the idea a lot of spells). Meanwhile Ginny turns into Phoenix oh my how exciting and she swoops down to get the necklace and does but only for a little while. The centaurs start to overwhelm her and they get it back while the others are trying not to be overwhelmed themselves. The situation is looking bleak as everyone is getting hurt. Odd sees a chance and tries for the necklace being blocked by a centaur he stupefies it and jumps on its back. Ginny in this moment got the necklace again only to be knocked right back down. All the while Hermione and Emily are defending Luna whom has fallen asleep as Syl is trying to strategize an escape plan.   
       After a while Odd stupidly explains he feels like a bull rider when not even a second after he is bucked off into a tree. He gets up and wave on as a sign he is okay. Then Syl beckins everybody to hold on to him as he will apperate them away. Odd is trying to get Ginny away from the Centaur as Emily is busy defending them off trying to find a break to dash for Ginny. Odd Jumps on the back of another centaur to get him away from Ginny and gets tossed off again into a tree. this time Emily yells his name instead of Ginny's. Weird I know. Dammit missed my opportunity for a great pun there oh well.
       He gets up barely jumps forward grabbing Ginny who has the necklace in her unconscious mouth. He runs to Emily grabbing and helping her as Hermione reaches Syl with Luna's sleeping body that she placed there and when they finally did... he apperated like he said they would. Phew disaster averted right. Wrong! Luna wakes up after they all checked to see if everyone was well alive and well. Ginny woke up a minute before her. Luna exclaimed why the necklace was so important to her and mentioned that her earrings match it. She gets confused and thinks she lost them as well. Just then Ginny flies off into the forest to do a quick look for them. As soon as Ginny disappears Luna realizes the earrings are still on her.......... (I know what you're thinking. WHAT THE HELL!!). Whatever it is what it is and it can't be changed now.

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