Bagel Shop

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~•Your POV•~

You walk into a bagel shop, minutes before the rain starts. Taking a seat near the middle of the right side. The smell of coffee beans and cream cheese fills your lungs as you take in the smells. Suddenly the sound of the little bell over the door chimes, the high sound filling your ears.

A man rushingly walks into the small shop, drenched in the hard downpour outside. Wiping his shoes thoroughly on the carpet as he finally walks in. Everyones eyes were on him, the way his wet reddish hair slightly bounced as he walked to the front counter.

He grabbed a little menu and pointed to it. "This." He bluntly said. A short chuckle came from you as you listened. He turned to you, raising his left eyebrow. "What's so funny." He rudely says as he walks up to the table you're sitting in. You take a second to take in the sound of his voice. Soothing, smooth. He had an amazing voice. His Ginger hair lightly bounced as he came over. His trimmed beard looked really good on him. The black Toothless the dragon hoodie he wore was slightly dotted with water drops.

"N-nothing..." You try and cover your self up with the menu to hide the blush but you don't succeed. (When you try your best but you don't succeeeeeedd) sorry I just had to.

He smirks, then gets back up to get his bagel. "Thank you." He tells the lady at the counter. He walks back over to your table, smirking like a little retard. "Name's Max." He says as he extends his hand.

"(Y/n)..." You say. Running a hand though your short brown hair. It wasn't up like his, it wasn't like a coconut on your head either. It was a little curly. Not much, but on a few of the ends they curled against your forehead.

He smiled at you, just staring at your face.

~•Max POV•~

I sit at the table with that guy that laughed at me. He didn't talk much, but it didn't matter. His defined jaw line and cheekbones were sharp and clean enough to cut diamonds. His biceps weren't huge, but they were there. He was actually quite smaller than me. He probably worked out.

"So, (y/n)" I tried to unwind from the awkward silence we had a few seconds ago.  His head darted up, looking at me. That was when I noticed his gunmetal blue eyes. They looked sort of Grey, but a shade of blue.

"Yeah?" Oh god his voice! I could listen to it all day.

"Uhm, here's my phone number, call me sometime and we can hang out. You seem really cool." I smile at him, handing him a small piece of paper with my number on it.

"Th-thanks...." He said as I walked back into the pouring rain.

"What took you so long?!" Tim asked, clearly a little annoyed that I spent longer in there thank expected.

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