chap. 1

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"you stupid brat I can't believe you. That was the last straw I'm sending you to that 'fancy smancy 'reform school. Maybe when you come back you'll have some manners. "the lady with brown eyes shout at a teenage boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "i-im sorry madam Coraline, I promise I won't get caught again. " the boy desperately reply's forcing any tears back.the woman, Coraline turns back towards him "next, next there won't be a next time. All you had to do was steal the black diamond from those rich snobs, that's all. But you got caught and as a result those dam police will be watch'en me and Anyone that come and goes through that door. Your just lucky I haven't decided to sell your brother to the highest bidder. Your also lucky that this reform school also offered to take him along with you.Now hurry up and pack I'm shipping both your a**es off today. "Coraline bellows. The boy scrambles up the stairs and into the shared attic to pack what little clothes he and his little brother had. As he enters the room a little boy the blood red hair and light blue eyes is sitting in the corner of the room rocking back and forth crying, repeating sorry over and over. The boy walks over to his sibling wrapping him in his arms. "hey there little man clam down no need to cry she's not angry at you. "he says. The little boy sits up with a teary face. "were being sent away, to a manners school. There gonna teach us how to be successful in the world so we don't have to come back here OK, do you understand me kurama/karma."the boy says looking down at the little red head,karma. Who nods. "I understand big brother Naruto. "karma replies wiping his trust away. "good, come on and let's start packing. "Naruto says to karma, who nods.
"sasuke you can't keep doing this. Running the family company is hard enough as it is and I don't need you picking fight not only at school but with the workers as well! " a man with long black hair in a low ponytail in a business suit scolds a teen boy with hair just as black if not blacker and a bit spiky. "OK first I didn't start those fight at school, they were bullying middle schoolers not even half there size. And that fight with the worker, that man challenged me, I refused several times and then the guy swung at me. What was I suppose to do let him hit me. "sasuke replies angrily. "sasuke you beat those kids to the point were 2 were hospitalized, 1 has an arm and leg thats broken in 10 different spots and another wont be waking up any time soon. And that worker only swung b/c you you insulted his family, his mother, and his dead sister!! I'm just lucky none of them pressed charges. Pack your bags, I'm sending you to the refom school our distant cousins own. You remember them they have 2 kids, well 3 if you count the one they adopted, you know Hinata, hanabi, and neji. " he says. "what you can't do that. "sasuke says. "I can and I did. Your leaving tomorrow. "
"sasori. I'm afraid that this was your last chance. Sorry but these acts of violence can no longer be dear I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to send him away. "a lady with gentle green hair says. "I understand but if it's not to much trouble, please send me along as well. He's my twin brother and I'd just hate for him to be so far away from me. "sakura says in a shy gentle voice. (inner sakura :cha when I find the b**** that spilt the beans on my brother I'm gonna turn her into a f***ing pancake) "of course dear. Don't worry I did all the research and background checks yesterday, I'm just sending you both to a reform school owned by the huuga family. I also did some class checks and they have miss tusande and miss chiyo working there. If I remember correctly, they're your distant aunts right."the lady says. "oh, yes. I remember them coming to a few of the family reunions. Do you sasori." sakura says. "hm, oh yes them. There drunk and the puppeteer. How could anyone forget. "sasori says in a dull voice. "hehehe - when do we leave. " sakura says cheerfully. "tomorrow night. " the lady says.
Hi everyone what do you think.
I can't spell,and the cussing sorry about that.
I was thinking of making there teacher for the first day really rude and or mean.
Do you think I should have all of rookie 9 plus a few oc's.

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