How you meet

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Legolas he was in the frost hunting spider when he came across a carriage with dead elfs. As he got closer to investigate he here the cry of a baby in the carriage. He pick up up and started to run back to Mirkwood to the heals.

Thranduil your his second child.  Our mother was give birth to you before she died. Before she pass she handed to your father asking him to love and keep you safe.

Elrond he was walking around the outside his kingdom. As he got to the gates he saw a basket laying on the ground. Come closer he saw a baby elf in nothing but a a drift rag. "Who could leave such a parish child here to die" he said to himself walking back in to castle ground  with you in his arms

Frodo was waking outside of the shire when he saw a woman running in discussion. She shoved something whipped in a blanket the ran off before he could say anything . Looking in the blanket he saw a baby girl softly coo in his arms." Hi there little one looks like I be taking care of you for now on" he says.

Aragorn after help to destroy the one ring and taking back his throne he was waiting for the arrival of his first child. Soon hearing the soft cries of a baby. As he entered to to the room her saw the love of his life holding a baby in a pink blanket.

The Hobbit/lord Of The Rings Father X Child ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora